QUIM-1212 Quimica Inorganica II

The course begins with an introduction to coordination chemistry, based on the discussion of various advanced theories on coordinative bonding, such as theory of Pauling, Crystal Field theory, spectro-chemical series, magnetic properties, model of molecular orbitals, including the types of bonds: donor & sigma, donor &pie, and acceptor &pie, complex reaction mechanisms, followed by the symmetry theory, specific groups, character tables, molecular vibrations, interpretation of electronic spectrum, Tanabe and Sugano diagrams, load transfer, and the kinetics of complex reactions. The second part addresses first of all the chemistry of organometallic compounds, this includes a reflection on the difference of elements in the s, p, d and f groups, the organometallic chemistry of elements in the main groups and the transition groups. A description is provided of complexes with different types of bonds, their reactivity and elementary reactions in organometallic chemistry such as: substitution, oxidative addition and reductive elimination, insertion and elimination, and reductive coupling. The course will be rounded up with a brief introduction to the applications of ergonometric compounds in the industry.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
