STRA-5410 Probabilidad y Estadistica

Concepts of probability and statistics, dependability, stochastic processes and statistics will be presented with their applications to electrical engineering, without following the mathematical rigor common to this science and exhibiting in various ways and with specific examples, the transition between real problems and probabilistic models. An engineer participating in this course may apply those concepts in the solution of real problems and their observation. In sum, the course contains the following topics: basic concepts on probability theory, random variables, probability density and distribution functions, random variable functions, calculation and use of statistical parameters, statistical models, sampling theory, statistical estimates and hypothesis testing, variance analysis, Montecarlo processes, Markov chains. Simple and complex coherent structure dependability concepts, fault trees, system dependability. Basic concepts on Decision Theory, introduction to other uncertainty analysis methods (diffuse sets, possibility theory, etc.).



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso