
CBU courses offer a socio-humanistic and scientific perspective that contributes to the education of responsible, ethical citizens committed to their country.


CBU courses have a competency-based approach and are distributed in three areas, as follows:

  • Colombia
  • Scientific thought
  • Cultures, Arts and Humanities


Students must complete a minimum of 14 credits in CBU courses (seven courses of 2 credits each) that must meet the following guidelines:

  • One course from each of the areas (three in total).
  • Three additional courses, which can be chosen from the offer of any of the areas.
  • A common and mandatory course on Colombia (CBCC-1177 Colombia: Space, Time, Difference).


All students who have entered the University must pass at least two credits with an ethics training component (Epsilon course). (see the regulations on Epsilon courses). ( RGEPr , p. 37)