Physics Degree

Degree Physicist
Level Under Graduate
Duration Eight (8) semesters
Number of credits 135
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1546
National Accreditation 2001: CNA (Consejo Nacional de Acreditación - National Accreditation Council) for 7 years.



The Objectives of our Physics undergraduate program are:

  • To develop among our students the understanding, the application of concepts, the principles and the fundamental theories of Physics .
  • To encourage a critical, analytical thinking in our students, in accordance with the scientific method and the capacity to set out well formulated problems.
  • To provide the students with theoretical, experimental and computational theories to solve problems.
  • To prepare students so that they may pursue graduate studies and initiate scientific research, and to work in other disciplines related to science and technology, thus contributing to the scientific and technological development of Colombia

Study Plan

The program is structured in 8 semesters, with 135 credits. It may be combined with other studies as double programs or options. It has a basic common cycle of four semesters, with courses on physics, mathematics, natural sciences and humanities, an intermediate cycle with two semesters focused on physics, and an advanced cycle with two semesters, with some compulsory courses, elective courses, teaching practice and the graduation project. We also offer a four-semester Masters Degree Program, and a three-year Doctoral program, with a maximum duration of seven years. Many students begin to take graduate courses during the last semesters of the undergraduate program, to speed up the finalization of the Masters Degree Program within the program known as coterminal.

Research or Concentration Areas

This Department is to one of the most important centers for Physics research in the country, with evident international prestige. Its full-time profess, who are well experienced in scientific research, publish their works in some of the most famous scientific magazines. They are in close contact with the best Physics laboratories and research centers based in Europe, North America and Latin America. They are currently conducting research on Astrophysics, Experimental Biophysics, High-energy physics (or elemental particles) Condensed-matter <physics, Quantum Mechanics, Information Physics, Physics Geometrical and Algebraic ^methods.

Research activities have gained relevance in the Physics Department through : research workshops, schools, seminars, symposia, publications, the Masters Degree Program and the Doctoral Program. Uudergraduate students may join the research groups since the beginning, and they have the opportunity of publishing their scientific results in specialized magazines. For such purpose. they have the best possible collection of scientific magazines and computer resources available.

The Department has 22 full-time professors, and 97% of them have a PhD (the highest possible degree they may obtain at international level) and the remaining 3% have a Masters Degree.

The centers, groups and research lines fostered by the Department of Physics are:

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Experimental Biophysics
  • Física teórica
  • High-energy physics (or elemental particles) (Experimental and theoretical)
  • Condensed-matter physics (Experimental and theoretical)
  • Quantum Mechanics and Physics of Information
  • Geometric and Agebraic methods
  • Quantum optics

Furthermore, our undergraduate program allows to continue graduate studies by means of the coterminal program, to obtain the following degrees

  • Masters Degree on Science-Physics
  • PhD on Science-Physics











Alumni Profile

Our alumnae reflect the advantages that of 239 alumnae up to the Second Semester of 2007, 64 have finished Doctoral programs, 65 have conducted Masters Degree Programs, 69 are conducting graduate studies, and 26 are full-time university professors. Most of them have studied abroad: Germany, Brazil, Canada, Spain, United States, France, the Netherlands and Italy among many other. Not all of them continue with their Physics studies, a few of them have decided to pursue their career in economics, engineering, environmental studies and other disciplines. Some of them work as engineers or physicists in the private sector or in state-owned organizations, thus contributing to the development of the country.

Over the last three years our students programs in the University of Alberta (Canada), Autonoma de Madrid (Spain), Bonn (Germany), Estatal de Campinas (Brazil), Georgia, Texas (United States), Massachusetts Institute of Technology -MIT (United States), Maryland (United States), Oxford (England), Paris XI (France), among others.
