Environmental Management Master’s Degree

Degree Master of Environmental License
Level Magister
Duration 22 months
Number of credits 45
Class Schedule Part Time
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 53742
National Accreditation
International Accreditation
Acreditación internacional *2003: EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System); 2004: AMBA (Association of MBAs); 2010: AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).

* Estas tres acreditaciones, conocidas también como la “Triple Corona”, son consideradas las credenciales de mayor importancia y reconocimiento internacional, lo que ubica a la Facultad a la altura de las más prestigiosas escuelas de negocio del mundo.



The Master's degree in Environmental Management intends to offer knowledge and develop tools to enable its participants to manage organizations specifically engaged in environmental management, and to lead the incorporation of this environmental dimension within the strategy of any organization, either private, public or from the third sector.

Through this program students will be able to:

  • Understand the scientific and socio-economic causes of the different environmental problems in the Andean-Amazonian region and develop habits for the application of scientific methods and techniques for their solution, from an interdisciplinary and integrating perspective.
  • Have a comprehensive vision of the environmental problems of the Amazonian region from the perspectives offered by environmental, social, and economic sciences, based on an eco-systemic approach.
  • Understand and assume the management of an organization as a process of development and organizational transformation with social responsibility.
  • Obtain an education that enables them to identify and prepare responses to challenges associated with environmental and administrative issues faced by private, public and third sector organizations management (particularly those related to environmental protection).
  • Be aware of the socio-environmental conflicts that underlie environmental problems and participateactively in their resolution.
  • Acquire the knowledge and the necessary skills to extend their contribution for the construction of a sustainable environmental society.
  • Concentrate on the acquisition of competences and knowledge in a specific area of Environmental Management, in Environmental Protection or Corporate Environmental Strategy.

Study Plan

The program is subdivided into the following cycles: 1) A basic cycle in administration, environment and the society; 2) Concentration in Environmental Management. 3) Concentration in Protection Management or Corporate Environmental Strategy.

The basic cycle in administration, and environment and society intends to offer knowledge of some the disciplines related to areas commonly dealt with in the field of administration. This cycle also offers rigorous learning of scientific and socioeconomic fundamentals of the different environmental problems of the Andean-Amazonian region, from an interdisciplinary perspective.

The cycle of concentration relates students with the key aspects of environmental management, capacity development, and the necessary abilities to seek opportunities, added to the development of a global vision of the organization and the environmental problems within a regional context.

The cycle of concentration offers students specialized training, encompassing the abilities, the competences, and the necessary knowledge to work in a specific area of environmental management (protection management, corporate environmental strategy, public environmental management or urban environmental management, among others).

Areas of Research or Concentration

Model Program

First Semester

MGAP-4401Ciencias Naturales para Tomadores de Decisiones




MGAP-4403Negotiation Workshop


Total Credit Hours:7

Second Semester

MGAP-4404Ecosystems I


MGAP-4405Planning and Financial Evaluation


MGAP-4406Economia Ambiental y Recursos Naturales


Total Credit Hours:11

Third Semester

MGAP-4409Strategic Management


Total Credit Hours:5

Fourth Semester

MGAP-4408Gerencia de Mercadeo


MGAP-4413Socio-Environmental Conflicts


MGAP-4407Ecosystems II: Socio-environmental Dimensions


MGAP-4410Environmental Finance


Total Credit Hours:9

Fifth Semester

MGAP-4411Mercados y Emprendimiento Socio-Ambiental


MGAP-4423Taller Propuesta Proyecto de Grado


MGAP-4414Politicas de Gestion Ambiental en America


Total Credit Hours:8

Alumni Profile

The Master's degree in Environmental Management intends to form leaders who, besides understanding the nature of major socio-environmental challenges and the companies and organizations in the Andean-Amazonian region, will have the capacity of facing those problems and turning them into opportunities for the development of their own organizations.

The program intends to prepare directors and leaders of organizations engaged in environmental protection and preservation, to obtain the tools and managerial abilities necessary to achieve a more significant impact and better results.

The definition and implementation of strategies within their organizations is fundamental for them to achieve sustainable development: from an environmental standpoint, in the access and use of natural resources; socially, in relation with all their stakeholders; politically and culturally, through participation, respect and appreciation of diversity; and economically, through the generation of necessary income to exist, grow and continuously innovate.
