CIFE - Research and Educational Formation Center

The Research and Educational Formation Center, CIFE, of the Universidad de Los Andes was created the first semester of 2001, in response to a rising concern that the University had to critically analyze its own pedagogical practice and enable its teaching action to serve education and teaching at all levels, both in public and private institutions.

According to these interests, CIFE has defined its mission: Contribute to the educational development in the institution and the country, through education programs, research projects, specialized consultancies and participation in the design, generation and evaluation of public policies and educational management systems. To such effect, CIFE promotes disciplinary and interdisciplinary processes in education based on research and characterized by being participatory, reflexive and critical.

Hence, the proposal is as follows:

  • Produce and release knowledge in education at a national and international level;
  • Educate students that are capable of participating, investigating and innovating in education through particular research projects or through their activities as teachers or administrators;
  • Advice, accompany and evaluate educational actions of diverse nature; and
  • Establish communication, coordination and action bridges between different University units interested in education.


CIFE consists of four academic programs: An educational option at an undergraduate level, a Masters Degree Program and two Specialization programs.