School of Medicine

The creation of the School of Medicine was always a must have for an institution like Universidad de Los Andes, and felt the need to strengthen it by completing the programs of higher scope.

Among the historical achievements are:

  • 1957: Beginning of the premedical course
  • 1979:Fundación Santa Fe proposes Uniandes to create a Medicine program
  • 1981: An agreement is signed between Fundación Santa Fe and Uniandes, for graduate programs and continuous education in medicine
  • 1983: An agreement is signed between the two institutions to build a graduate medical school but due to legislative reasons it was not implemented
  • 1983: The internship program of Fundación Santa Fe began and to date it has more than 600 graduated doctors
  • 1987: Fundación Santa Fe begins graduate programs
  • 1995: An interdisciplinary center for research and teaching of biomedical sciences is created
  • 2001: The final study of the project for the School of Medicine is reinitiated
  • 2002: ASCOFAME acknowledges Fundación Santa Fe as a University Hospital
  • 2003: The agreement that ties and binds Universidad de los Andes and Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá to present the new Medicine Program to ICFES is approved
  • 2004: The Medicine Program begins, the first group of students is received.
  • 2006: The School of Medicine of Universidad de Los Andes is associated as a Member of the Colombian Association of Schools of Medicine ASCOFAME.
  • 2006: la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de los Andes es vinculada como miembro a ASCOFAME.


  • Uniandes Campus Facilities and Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota University Hospital .
  • On campus branch of the School of Medicine (Building Q, 8th floor) and North Branch atFundacion Santa Fe (School of Medicine Building)
  • General Uniandes Library, and Specialized Medical Library (Newspaper library) at the North Branch.
  • On campus Center of Skills and Clinical Simulation (Building Q, 5th floor) endorsed by the American Heart Association and the Center of Skills and Clinical Simulation, North Branch within the Building of the School of Medicine.
  • On campus Anatomy Laboratory
  • (Basement Y)
  • On-campus Museum of Anatomy (Basement Y)
  • Research laboratories in basic medical sciences: Cell and Molecular Biology