School of Arts and Humanities

The School of Arts and Humanities groups artistic and humanist disciplines at the Universidad de los Andes and its objective is to prepare men of letters, musicians, artists, and journalists, who are conscientious, sensitive, imaginative, and creative.

The various programs foster academic rigor, critical reflection, and the development of techniques and skills specific to the different areas, which enable the students to express themselves with responsibility and originality.

Programs offered

  1. CEPER: Master in Journalism
  2. Music: Undergraduate program in music with concentration in Instrument, Theory, Composition, Choral Direction, and Audio Production
  3. Art: Undergraduate program in Plastic Arts with concentration in Electronic Media and Time Arts, History and Theory of Art, and Cultural Projects
  4. Literature and Humanities: Literature Program


The department of Music has:

  • Electroacoustic Laboratory
  • MIDI Laboratory
  • Hearing Training Laboratory
  • Recording Studio
  • Music Hall with two grand pianos for recitals
  • More than 15 rooms fitted with pianos
  • Symphonic percussion instruments, drum sets, and string instruments
  • Collection of CDs, musical videos, and scores

The department of Art has:

  • Virtual Forest, MAC computers laboratory
  • Slide library
  • Library
  • Ceramics, Sculpture, Engraving, Serigraphy, and Litography Workshops
  • Photography Laboratory
  • Projects Room


The School of Arts and Humanities was created in 1997 and consists of the Departments of Humanities and Literature, Music and Art, which offer undergraduate studies. At graduate level, the School has three specialization programs: Journalism, Multimedia Creation, and History and Theory of Modern and Contemporary Art. In 2007, it will open the Master's Degree program in Literature.

Research plays a fundamental role in the development of the academic undergraduate and graduate programs at the School's departments, and is managed, funded and disseminated via the Research and Creation Committee (CIC). Aware of the diverse nature of the disciplines grouped at the School, as well as its specificity regarding the type of research, this committee considers the various forms of intellectual production and their respective validations.

The School is committed to the Basic Uniandes Cycle (CBU) and designs general courses around the analysis and understanding of literary texts, musical appreciation, history of art and journalism, contributing to the education of Uniandes students.

The School offers and coordinates open extracurricular activities to all of the University's students, as spaces for the development of their artistic expression. These are the Drama Group (Department of Humanities and Literature), where renowned professional groups, directors, and actors have begun their professional careers. The Department of Music offers the Universidad de los Andes Choir, a group that has participated in numerous national and international choral events during its 45 years of existence. Likewise, the Chamber Choir, which is made up of advanced music students, performs the important undertaking of disseminating the choral repertoire. That same department offers the Children's and Youth's Musical Education Program; open to children between the ages of 3 to 15. The Ernesto Martin Music Hall provides the Uniandes community with a permanent service of auditions, recitals, and conferences, and renders the service of lending musical scores and recordings. The department of Humanities and Literature offers literary creation workshops in the areas of poetry, narrative, and playwriting.

CEPER - Journalism Study Center

In 1991, the Universidad de los Andes created the Journalism Study Center, CEPER, aimed at promoting journalistic education and research through shaping, qualifying and quantifying the journalism practice in Colombia. The Journalism Study Center is the Universidad de los Andes strategy to communicate with the media society and to reflect on the problems of practicing journalism in the horizon of its public responsibility. Thus, in the year 1993, CEPER obtained the approval for a graduate program called “Specialization in Communications Media”, later renamed “Specialization in Journalism”, being the first journalism graduate program for non-journalists.

CEPER is the means through which the Universidad de los Andes decided to approach Journalism through graduate programs, research, debates on the journalism current situation, agreements on publications, seminars, workshops and courses. As a result of its significant thematic and academic development, CEPER was attached as a Department of the Arts and Humanities School of the Universidad de los Andes.

Programs offered:

Specialization in Journalism, Journalism Option, Undergraduate Programs – CBU – related to: Journalism and Writing, Media, Journalism and Power, Cultural Journalism, free electives, CLE, Multimedia Digital Journalism, among others. It offers continued education programs, professional Journalism programs, and provides advisory on journalism management and thinking, and research on ways of journalism representation and telling.


  • ibrary/Journalism Specialized Material
  • Reporting Technologies for Radio and TV workshops and audio-visual equipment
  • Laboratory for design of electronic journalism