Government Option


This Option revolves around four areas. On one hand, Politics, which is meant to familiarize students with the formal and informal mechanisms of the political game. Second, Public Policies, which are a fundamental field of exercise of the government. Third, the Economy, which leads to the understanding of the restrictions on society resources and, last but not least, International Relations, as a context that must take into account domestic decisions and may be helpful or become an obstacle for government dynamics.


The objective of this Option is to provide students, regardless of their area of study, with the basic tools to understand and analyze government dynamics, which cross all professional spheres of activity.

Program Structure

The Option requires 15 credits. It consists of two mandatory courses (3 credits each) given by the School of Government, and three elective courses, one in the area of Politics (3 credits), one in Economics and Public Policies (3 credits) and one in International Relations (3 credits). The courses that make up the Option cannot form a part of the mandatory curriculum or the professional elective courses of the students program of study. Therefore, in the event that the elective courses of the Option are also mandatory courses in a student’s program of study, he/she may take one of the alternate elective courses in the corresponding area.


Cursos Obligatorios

EGOB-1100BIntroducción al Gobierno




EGOB-1204BEl Rol del Gobierno en los Problemas Sociales


Cursos Electivos






  • All students who take this Option must enroll in two mandatory courses offered by the School of Government: Introduction to Government and Ethics, Justice and Public Policies. In addition, they must take three elective courses in the areas of politics, economics and public policies, and international relations, in accordance with the list established by the School.
  • Students may choose their elective courses from an extensive list of courses offered by the different Faculties, which will be determined each semester by the School. To check the list of elective and alternate elective courses, go to
  • Students must make arrangements with the School as regards the courses they will take as part of the Option, depending on their personal interests and the program objectives.

Further information:

Contacto: Adriano Cano Cuervo

Cargo Contacto: Coordinador

Correo Contacto:

Liaison at the School or Department