Psychology Option


The Psychology Option gives students the chance to explore areas of the discipline that are classic and often constitute scenarios of encounters with other disciplines in social and natural sciences. Given the wide range of topics in psychology, the Psychology Option enables students to choose one of these three distinctive areas of psychology (programs):

  • Psychological Processes
  • Psychobiology
  • Social Psychology


The objective of the Psychology Option is to provide students from other programs with basic training in psychology as a scientific discipline by means of an organized set of topics and courses.

Psychological Processes Program


This area offers students a chance to understand how the human being gets to know and organizes his relationships with his physical and social surroundings. It tackles classic areas of investigation and psychology such as emotion, perception, thought, language, motivation, learning and memory.

Program Structure

The Psychology Option, in the Psychological Processes program, is made up of one mandatory course (3 credits) and four elective courses that constitute the area of Pyschological Processes (12 credits). The Option is made up of a total of 15 credits.

Cursos Obligatorios

PSIC-1402Fundamentos de Psicologia


PSIC-2319Psicología de la emoción y la motivación


Cursos Electivos

PSIC-2314Psicología del Lenguaje


PSIC-2315Pensamiento y Razonamiento


PSIC-2316Psicologia de la Percepcion


The elective courses that constitute the area of Pscyhological Processes in the undergraduate program will be a part of the courses offered by the Department

Psychobiology Program


This area provides students with an understanding of the biological bases of conduct and other aspects of psychological function. The concentration introduces students to the typical problems of neuroscience and conduct, examining the relationship between mind, conduct and brain in relation to phenomena such as language, motivation, memory, consciousness, emotions and thought, among others.

Program Structure

The Psychology Option, in the Psychobiology program, is made up of five mandatory courses (12 credits) and one elective course (3 credits), for a total of 15 credits.

Cursos Obligatorios

BIOL-1312Biologia para Psicologia-Teoria


BIOL-1313Biologia para Psicologia-Laboratorio


PSIC-1204Principios de Neurociencias 1


PSIC-1205Principios de Neurociencias 2


PSIC-1402Fundamentos de Psicologia


Cursos Electivos

PSIC-3707Investigacion Dirigida 1


PSIC-3835Neurociencia Social


  • The elective courses will be a part of the courses offered by the Department, which will be defined each semester by the Curriculum Committee.
  • The previous list includes some examples of classes that may be taken as elective courses. The offer may vary from one semester to another. The updated list of elective courses is posted on the website of the Department of Psychology.

Social Psychology Program


This concentration enables students to become familiar with the explanations given by psychology regarding social behavior, group phenomena and the relationship between subjectivity and culture.

Program Structure

The Psychology Option, in the Social Psychology program, is made up of three mandatory courses (9 credits) and two elective courses (6 credits), for a total of 15 credits.

Cursos Obligatorios

PSIC-1402Fundamentos de Psicologia


PSIC-2503Psicología Social Crítica


PSIC-2504Psicología Social Experimental


Cursos Electivos

PSIC-1125BChildhood and culture


PSIC-1129BLa Ciencia de la Felicidad


PSIC-1127BVygotsky: Thought And Languaje


PSIC-1128BDiversidad Sexual: Comunidades Lgtb


  • The elective courses will be a part of the courses offered by the Department, which will be defined each semester by the Curriculum Committee.
  • The previous list includes some examples of classes that may be taken as elective courses. The offer may vary from one semester to another. The updated list of elective courses in the area is posted on the website of the Department of Psychology.