Economics Doctoral Program

Degree Doctoral Program in Economy
Level Doctoral Program
Duration Four (4) years
Number of credits 88
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 53226



The Objectives of the Doctoral Program in Economics are:

  • To form high-caliber economists, compared in quality to alumni from the best international programs, who will be capable of contributing to national and international academic discussions and perform in teaching and investigation activities.
  • To contribute to the economic and social development of Colombia and the region through the formation of professionals who will be able to perform with excellence in the areas of business and finances, and at different government levels, particularly in areas related to the assesment and formulation of the economic policy, and in general, of public policies.

Study Plan

The doctoral program in Economics is designed in full attendance manner, with annual cohorts of full-time students, and covers three main stages for an estimated period of 4 years: basic cycle, concentration cycle and research cycle.

The first stage is the basic training course, which lasts a year and is intensive in full attendance courses. The second stage of concentration or emphasis, also lasting a year, consists of courses and work to help consolidate a topic of specialization as a basis for the dissertation. The third phase (years 3 and 4) allows the students to build their doctoral research proposal, put together their thesis committee and produce the final dissertation.

Basic Cycle (First Year)

In the first phase (basic cycle), students acquire the essential bases of economics in four mail pillars: microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics and economic history and philosophy. In this basic cycle, the subjects are covered in a year, taking two consecutive courses in each area of microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. Additionally, they will receive a leveling course on mathematical methods for economists and economic philosophy or economic history.

Upon completion of this cycle, the students must choose and pass two preliminary exams between three possible areas (microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics).

Concentration Cycle (Second Year)

In the second cycle (concentration), the student must take the equivalent of four courses (sixteen credits), and two research seminars, 2 credits each. Out of the four concentration courses, the student must enroll in a minimum of two full attendance courses (8 credits) which are formally offered by the School of Economics. The doctoral Academic Committee and each student will agree on the composition of the concentration cycle on one or two areas of emphasis. The courses offered for the concentration cycle will be based on the school´s groups and lines of research and the Study Center of Economic Development (CEDE), namely:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Econometrics, Labor Economics, Social Economics
  • Microeconomics
  • Economic Development
  • History and Methods
  • Environmental Economics
  • Financial Economics

These areas of concentration could be increased depending on the specialization of the School´s permanent staff. Additionally, doctoral students will have the possibility to take some of the courses of the cycle from the ones the School offers every year during Summer School. For each particular case, the doctoral Committee will also review the possibility for the students take courses from other doctoral programs within the University of Los Andes.

At the end of the second year, students must prepare, present in public seminar of the CEDE and pass an academic article on one of the areas of concentration.

At the end of the second year, the students may choose the title of Magister in Economics, provided that all the program´s requirements have been met.

Research Cycle (Third and Fourth year)

In the third cycle (doctoral research), students will concentrate on structuring their dissertation proposal based on the courses they took in the concentration cycle and will choose their main adviser (dissertation Director). At the end of the third cycle the student must present, in a new public seminar, a second publishable article in the same terms as the first one. This article will be an essential part of the student´s dissertation. Additionally, during this cycle, each student must visit, for no less then a semester up to one year, another high-level national or international research center where the dissertation topic can be enriched.

At the end of the fourth year the students are expected to have finished their dissertation and then defend it before a group of judges composed of at least three of the School`s professors and at least one external professor. The dissertation must comply with all the requirements established in the regulations of the Doctorate in Economics.

Research or Concentration Areas

The doctoral Academic Committee and each student will agree on the composition of the concentration cycle on one or two areas of emphasis. The courses offered for the concentration cycle will be based on the School´s groups and lines of research and the Study Center on Economic Development (CEDE), namely:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Econometrics, Labor Economics and Social Economy
  • Microeconomics
  • Economic development
  • History and Methods
  • Environmental Economics
  • Financial Economics

These areas of concentration could be increased depending on the specialization of the School´s permanent staff.

Model Program


Basic Cycle (First Year)

First Semester

ECON-6201Macroeconomía Corto Plazo Doctorado


ECON-6301Doctoral Program in Econometrics


Total Credit Hours:16

Intersemestral Period


Second Semester

ECON-6302Econometría 2 Doctorado


ECON-6202Macroeconomía Largo Plazo Doctorado


Total Credit Hours:16

Concentration Cycle (Second Year)

First Semester

ECON-6401Seminario de Investigacion 1 Doctorado


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

ECON-6402Seminario Investigación 2 Doctorado


Total Credit Hours:12


Research Cycle (Third year)

First Semester

ECON-6980Investigacion Tesis Doctoral 1


Total Credit Hours:8

Second Semester

ECON-6981Investigacion Tesis Doctoral 2


Total Credit Hours:8

Research Cycle (Fourth year)

First Semester

ECON-6982Investigacion Tesis Doctoral 3


Total Credit Hours:8

Second Semester

ECON-6983Investigacion Tesis Doctoral 4


Total Credit Hours:8

Doctoral Dissertation Thesis

Intersemestral Period

Alumni Profile

Due to a comprehensive education in economic and statistic theory and knowledge, the program graduates will acquire the ability to:

  • Lead and conduct investigation programs in economic sciences and in conjunction with other sciences, with the purpose of contributing to the expansion of knowledge frontierd in both theoretical and applied economics. It is expected that the alumnae, based on their scientific findings, will contribute to the publication of research results in prestigious international publications and to the development of innovative processes in the design of economic policies.
  • Improve the teaching of economics and strengthen research lines and groups in academic centers. They will also be able to perform these activities in public and private sectors where high level scientific teams are required more frequently.
  • Understand the economic reality of our country and our region, and contribute to the design of the economic and social policies.

A considerable percentage of our program's alumnae are currently working in entities such as: DNP (National Planning Department), Banco de la República (Central Bank), Ministerio de Hacienda (Treasury Department), Foundation for Higher Education and Development (Fedesarrollo), BID (Inter-American Development Bank), Federación Nacional de Cafeteros (National Coffee Growers Federation), among others. In average, 28% of alumnae work in multinational companies, 22% in the public sector, 19% in large companies, 16% in start-up companies, and 15% in education centers.


For further information go to the School of Economics webpage: