Economics Specialization

Degree Specialist in Economy
Level Specialization
Duration Two (2)semesters
Number of credits 20
Class Schedule Night
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 4457




Especially intended for non economist professionals.

The program provides professionals from different disciplines, the theoretical core of economics and its main applications so that the students can incorporate in their previous academic training and their professional activity, the concepts and the variables of economic analysis.



Model Program

Cycle Economic Fundamentals

EECO-5101Microeconomia Ee


EECO-5102Metodos Cuantitativos Ee


EECO-5103Macroeconomia (Especializacion Economia)


Total Credit Hours:6

Cycle Applications in Economics

EECO-5201Project Evaluation EE


EECO-5202International Finance EE


EECO-5203Public Economics EE


EECO-5204B2 Concentration


EECO-5206Microeconomy Applications


Total Credit Hours:14

Alumni Profile

This program´s alumni are characterized for:

  • Their understanding of the concepts and the basic tools of economic analysis.
  • Their capability to analyze and manage economic information.
  • Their ability to incorporate the tools of cost-benefit analysis to their professional practice.
  • Their qualification to participate in planning processes and, strategic and management decision-making within the organization.
  • Their multidisciplinary capability for team work and learning with in the organization, applying the principles and basic tools of economic analysis.


For further information go to the School of Economics webpage: