Economics, Master’s Degree - PEG

Degree Master of Economy
Level Magister
Duration Two (2)a Four (4) semesters
Number of credits 35
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1574



The Economics Program for Graduates - PEG - was founded in 1963 and has ever since been open to economists and professionals from other disciplines. The basic objective of the PEG is to offer a high level education, which allows students to conduct rigorous analyses based on the use of the theory and empirical methods of economy. The program is supported by the research strength provided by the Economic Development Study Center -CEDE, assigned to the School.

Study Plan

Students applying to the Master's Degree Program in Economics have the option to register levelling courses in the basic areas of economics. These courses are intended to homogenize the theoretical knowledge and the statistical and econometric analysis tools in economics among the students, so they may properly face the subjects of the Master's Degree Program. The make-up and duration of the levelling depends on the prior education of the candidate and will be agreed upon with the program's Director. Most of the levelling courses are those given in the Economics undergraduate program.

The Economics Master's Degree Program consists of seven (7) theoretical courses (three mandatory subjects and four electives) and three (3) thesis courses (Preseminar, Seminar, and Thesis). As part of the thesis courses, the student must prepare a "publishable article" as the final work to qualify for the degree of Master in Economics.

The Master's Degree Program has a duration of one year and a half, divided into four academic periods. The first year includes two (2) 16-week periods and one 7-week period(inter-semestral). The student must finish his / her Thesis Project in the last semester (this course is not an on-campus class).

Elective courses are selected according to the interests of the students. The student must complete two areas of concentration with two subjects in each area. The student may only take a maximum of two subjects within a concentration offered by another Master's Degree Program of the University. The other two concentration subjects must be taken at the PEG. The School has envisaged the following areas of concentration: Social Economics, Financial Economics, Public Policies, Industrial Organization, Macroeconomics, Environment, Theory, Economic Thinking and History, and Econometrics and Quantitative Methods.

The intersemestral period courses are part of the International Summer School. These courses are given by professors of a high academic level, from universities or organizations of long-standing prestige internationally, such as the University of Paris, the University of Maryland (UMD), Harvard University, Yale University, and New York University. The objective of this School is to divulge the most recent developments of the economic theory and the subjects that are on the cutting edge in the different areas of knowledge in economics among the students, academicians and professionals from the Universidad de los Andes and the country.

Research or Concentration Areas

The student must select two areas of concentration and register two courses in each area.

The School has established the following areas of concentration: Social Economics, Financial Economics, Public Policies, Industrial Organization, Macroeconomics, Environment, Theory, Economic Thinking and History, and Econometrics and Quantitative Methods


Leveling Course

ECON-2201Macroeconomia 2


ECON-2101Microeconomia 2


ECON-3350Math Placement (Program of Economics for Graduates)


Total Credit Hours:17

Leveling Course 2

ECON-2202Macroeconomia 3


MATE-2711Metodos Matematicos para Economistas


ECON-2102Microeconomia 3


ECON-2301Econometria 1


Total Credit Hours:15

Model Program

First Term - Master in Economics

ECON-4212Short-term Advanced Macroeconomics


ECON-4301Econometria Avanzada


ECON-4112ECON 4112


Total Credit Hours:12

Period Íntersemestral - Master in Economics

Total Credit Hours:8

Second Academic – Master in Economics

ECON-4600Seminario de Tesis Peg


ECON-4113Microeconomia Avanzada de Teoria de Juegos


Total Credit Hours:12

Third Academic - Master in Economics (Non-Contact)

ECON-4603Tesis Peg (Programa de Economía para Graduados)


Total Credit Hours:3

Alumni Profile

The acknowledgement of our programs and the quality of our alumni has allowed them to hold leadership positions, both in the private and public sectors, to teach at international universities of long-standing tradition, to perform professionally in multilateral agencies, and to found their own companies in various productive sectors.


For further information go to the School of Economics webpage: