Law Ph.D.

Degree PhD in Laws
Level Doctoral Program
Duration Siete (7) semesters
Number of credits 80
Class Schedule Full Time
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 53323



1. One of the strengths of the Universidad de Los Andes Law School has been the development and consolidation of new types of investigation.

The program's primary goal is to create a suitable academic mileu for ponder on academic areas of Law that have been analyzed, studied and taught in a classical manner. In this regard, the following topics can be listed: public policy analysis, examining the relationship between society, economics and law, examining the institutions and their actors; critical theory of law studies, comparative law, historical and critical analysis and case studies on the theory of Law, among others. This space will be built on the strengthening of research lines that already exist in the School and, furthermore, through interdisciplinary work with other schools and departments.

2. Improving the quality of Law teaching

Secondly, the academic production of the doctoral program will translate into a true renewal of Colombian and regional legal literature. This literature renewal efforts will result in teaching texts containing a more in-depth, developed and critical analysis of the ,different areas. This renovation of literature effort will substantially improve the teaching of Law.

On the other hand, the doctoral program will be the ideal venue to pursue the refelction on lthe egal education that the School has advanced since thebeginning. Consequently, it could become a School for local and regional professors.

3. Consolidation of an legal academic career

The Universidad de Los Andes has made efforts to create and consolidate an academic Law career. This may be evidenced by the significant increase in fthe number of ull time professors in the past 10 years. By establishing a Law Doctoral program, the School would be contributing to the strengthening of the academic career in other national and regional institutions.

4. Disseminate the debate and discussion relative to the various theoretical interpretations of Law

An additional objective will be to broaden the theoretical perspectives underpinning the analysis and interepretation of Law, its contents, teaching and practice. In addition, aspirants will have the opportunity to study a variety of investigation methods that will encourage the use of interdisciplinary tools, namely: sociology, economics, history, antropology, literature, psychology and psycho analysis, among others.

Study Plan

Area of Research or Concentration

Center of Socio-Juridical Research - CIJUS

  • Founded in 1981 and leader in interdisciplinary Law investigation, it coordinates and promotes all activities for creation of knowledge at the School.
  • It publishes books, articles in national and international magazines, book chapters and teaching manuals, with the aim of contributing to the progress of social-juridical knowledge and to participate in public debates on law and institutions.
  • Research community sponsored and supported by CIJUS:
    • There are 33 full time professors at the School, 13 of which are released from teaching duties for them to concentrate on research activities and formation of researchers in graduate and undergraduate courses.
    • Full time CIJUS researchers.
    • Masters Degree students and advanced undergraduate students.
    • New Doctorate students who will become a core part of the community and the research groups an lines of CIJUS and the School of Law.

Research Groups and Line

1. Group: Public Law

Coordinator: Antonio Barreto Rozo

Research Lines:

  • Administrative Law
  • International Law
  • Criminal Law and transitional Justice
  • Social, economic and cultural rights
  • Environmental, law and development studies
  • Law, theory and culture
  • Observatory of constitutional justice and judiciary law

2. Group: Private Law

Coordinator: Mauricio Rengifo Gardeazabal

Research lines:

  • Obligations, Corporations, Contracts and Financial Law
  • Person, Childhood and Family
  • Procedural Law

3. Group: Research, Law and Social Action (IDEAS) (Law Interdisciplinary Studies)

Coordinators: Julieta Lermaitre Ripoli, César Rodríguez Garavito

Research Lines:

  • Law, Economics and Globalization
  • Law, Justice and Public Policies
  • Law, Politics and Social Movements
  • Law and the City
  • People's Rights

4. Group: Research on Electronic Mail, Telecommunications and Informatics, GEC TI

Research Lines:

  • Law and Distribution
  • Law, discrimination and gender
  • Adolescent pregnancy
  • Litigation and women emancipation
  • Gender and legal education

5. Group: The law of the Judges

Coordinator: Diego López Medina

Research Lines:

  • History and theory of judiciary and case law Jurisprudential
  • lines of the Supreme Court of Justice, Constitutional Court and Council of State Jurisprudential
  • Informatics: electronic ordering and automation of case law and unification of formats for case law quotes

6. Group: Legal Education

Coordinator: Betsy Perafán Liévano

Research Lines:

  • Democratic environments
  • Informal vendors vs. public space
  • Responsibility in information freedom
  • Project advisory
  • Growing in investigation

7. Group: Procedural Law

Coordinator: María del Socorro Rueda Fonseca

Research Lines:

  • Colombian Procedural Law in the XXI Century

Model Program

Year I

First Semester

DDER-6101Teoria Juridica 1


DDER-6201Metodos de Investigacion Juridica 1


DDER-6401Tutoria 1


Total Credit Hours:16

Second Semester

DDER-6102Teoria Juridica 2


DDER-6402Tutoria 2


DDER-6202Metodos de Investigacion Juridica 2


Total Credit Hours:16

Year II

Third Semester

DDER-6403Tutoria 3


Total Credit Hours:14

Fourth Semester

DDER-6501Examenes Orales y Propuestas


DDER-6404Tutoria 4


Total Credit Hours:8

Year III

Fifth Semester

Sixth Semester

Year IV

Seventh Semester

DDER-6601Doctoral Research


Total Credit Hours:8

Eighth Semester

DDER-6981Investigacion Doctoral 2


Total Credit Hours:6

Year V

Ninth Semester

DDER-6702Doctoral Dissertation


Total Credit Hours:10

Alumni Profile

The alumane from the Law Doctoral program will be able to contribute his knowledge and investigation methodology, either in the capacity of Law professor in the Law or Social Science universities in the country, or an a high level investigator in national and international projects. Thus, the alumnae will contribute to the evolution of law as a field of knowledge from a critical perspective.
