Law: Financial Legislation Specialization

Degree Specialist in Financial Legislation
Level Specialization
Duration One (1) year
Number of credits 17
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1551

Aimed at:

Professionals who work at entities within the financial sector, stock market or public institutions related to its regulation, control and monitoring, as well as advisors who have studied and are interested in the area of financial law.


Educate professionals capable of managing basic legal and financial tools, to perform efficiently as valid spokespersons offering a broad response in different areas within private and public entities that constitute the financial sector or that interact with it in ways such as: Designing and managing financial products, structuring investment projects and developing regulations for financial institutions and stock markets, among others.

Update participants regarding valid legislations related to the financial sector and the stock markets, as well as dominant trends related to case law and doctrine.

Provide economic, accounting and financial foundations that enable participants to understand corporate and business dynamics of financial institutions as well as the stock market.

Provide an overview of control, monitoring, and intervention that the State exercises over institutions dedicated to the financial and stock market duties, precising the nature of said phenomena, its mechanisms and concrete manifestations.

Offer elements that enable students to understand the globalization process of financial markets and their impact on the evolution of relevant legal institutions, at a domestic level as well as within the international sphere.

Study Plan

The specialization lasts one (1) year. Here, students study the modules that belong to the study program which are stated under the paragraph named Model Program.

Research or concentration areas

The program does not include concentration pre-requisites in specific courses. It does not require either, for graduation purposes, submission of a research project. However, the curriculum is guided towards a detailed study of financial institutions and operations and to the stock market in general. For this purpose, students carry out permanent research tasks.

Model Program

The program is guided towards the analysis and study of the legal structure of the financial system and the stock markets in the different levels that constitute them. Likewise, and using the multidisciplinary approach, diverse complementary perspectives are offered to students of these sectors, providing them with the option of knowing and managing economic, financial and administrative aspects of the financial structure in Colombia.

First Semester



LEGI-5522Aspectos Económicos


LEGI-5502Régimen Jurídico Unificado


LEGI-5504Mercado Publico de Valores


Total Credit Hours:8

Second Semester

LEGI-5501Aspectos Juridicos Economicos


LEGI-5503Intervencion del Estado en el Sector Financiero


LEGI-5505Gerencia Financiera




Total Credit Hours:9


Alumni Profile

Professional with a solid education based on principles and institutions of Public Finance Law and Stock Market Law, capable of identifying and solving legal issues in said areas, of communicating with professionals of other disciplines who work in the same areas and providing efficient consulting and added value to those who work in them.
