Law: International Business Law Specialization

Degree Specialist in International Business Law
Level Specialization
Duration Two (2) semesters
Number of credits 16
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1552

Intended for:

Layers and professonals whose practice is related to international business, both in the private and the public sector.


Education of professionals who understand the international market context, who are able to participate actively in the states of conception, structuring and execution of international commercial transactions.

Concentrate on the study of national and international legal regimes applicable to the global commerce environment..

Provide the students with the tools and skills necessary to understand the economic and financial aspects that lead to the structuring of international business.

Study Plan

Areas of Investigation or Concentration

From a legal perspective, empahis is made on areas relatd to public international law, specifically as concerns institutions and treaties that rule gloabl economic relations, from the perspective of both the States and the investors.

From the perspective of private law, there is concentration on aspects related to international obligations and contracts, as well as the tax norms that govern the. Similarly, special relevance is assigned to styding mechanisms to harmonize international and customary commercial norms.

The economic theory is vital to understand the general framework of international business. Therefore, there is concentration on the analysis of monetary variables in international trade and aspects of governance and competitiveness are studied.

Lastly, the financial module involves the student with general accounting and financial mathematics. Likewise, it reviews major activities of stock exchange and international markets, in addition to topics relative to derivative instruments and structural finance.

Model Program

First Semester

DENI-5703Operaciones y Contratos Internacionales


DENI-5701Comercio Internacional


DENI-5702Contexto del Contrato Internacional


Total Credit Hours:9

Second Semester

DENI-5704Cambios Internacionales y Tributacion Internacional


DENI-5705Finanzas y Mercados Internacionales


DENI-5706Solucion de Conflictos y Negociacion


Total Credit Hours:2


Alumni Profile

Professional who is specailized in the various fields that govern international business. Graduates will be capable of advising Colombian companies interested in international commerce, as well as foreign companies interested on doing business in Colombia.

The alumnae will have basic ecoomic and financial mathematics knowledge so that in their professional practice they will have tools that will represent an advantage vis-a-vis their colleagues.
