Law, Master’s Degree

Degree Master in Law
Level Magister
Duration Three (3) academic semesters and one(1) additional for thesis
Number of credits 42
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 11491



Offer the highest academic quality Masters Degree program resulting from a personalized design and the strengths of the School of Law of Universidad de Los Andes: The extraordinary quality of its faculty, the offering of innovative seminars and the existence of different research guidelines.

The Masters Degree Program in Law at Universidad de Los Andes also has the mision of educating students within a set of theoretical and methodological tools which, with a critical approach, enables them to contribute academically both in an innovative and significant way, to any branch of law - public law, private law or legal theory-, or in the interdisciplinary field.

In this way, students must recognize, consolidate and create knowledge, from the domain of legal issues in general, by understanding that the achievement of said objective, enables them, collaterally to satisfy pragmatic expectations of a pragmatic or practical type.

Study Plan

Groups and Research Guidelines

These are the groups and research guidelines of the School of Law, where students have the opportunity to participate in:

Model Program

Concentration seminars may vary each semester and their programs are timely sent to students before the date of course registration of courses.

Students may also take concentration seminars from other Master Degree Programs at the University, as follows:

  • Theories of Responsibility
  • Law and Society in Latinamerica
  • Globalization and Law
  • Interdisciplinary Analysis in Law
  • Advanced and Compared Constitutional Law
  • International trade and development
  • Rights of Judges
  • Law and Conflict
  • Economic analysis of Law

First Semester

MDER-4201Teoría del Derecho


MDER-4301Tutoría I


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

MDER-4202Teoría II


MDER-4302Tutoría II


Total Credit Hours:12

Third Semester

MDER-4203Coloquio de Investigacion


Total Credit Hours:8

Alumni Profile

Alumni may guide their activities according to their academic or professional interests. Alumni from the Masters Degree Program will be capable of developing their own skills during the exercise of their profession, as well as their competencies in the research and teaching fields and in the different concentration areas of the Masters Degree Program. From a professional standpoint, the alumni will be capable of:

  • Advance in analysis and advisory works within public or private entities that require serious and well-founded contributions so as to take decisions.
  • Qualifying their professional work in an interdisciplinary, analytical and crital way as an officer of the judicial branch or a lawyer, within the legal framework and the Colombian reality.
  • Contributing, from the teaching area or specific research activities, to solve development issues in Colombia, particularly, in topics such as peace and social coexistence; citizenship participation and their right´s defense; effectiveness of the justice system and human rights and economic development policies and their relationship with trade and integration strategies.
  • Developing research tasks pertaining to specific development law and legal theory needs in their relationship with other social science disciplines
