Law Degree

Degree Lawyer
Level Under Graduate
Duration Ten (10) semesters
Number of credits 183
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1533
National Accreditation 2003: CNA (Consejo Nacional de Acreditación - National Accreditation Council) for 8 years



Contribute to the training of lawyers for professional practice, law research and analysis from an interdisciplinary perspective, providing conceptual, hermeneutical and argumentative tools, that allow students to study law from a broad and deep cultural horizon.

Study Plan

The Law Program is structured in three cycles:

  • Contextualization cycle
  • Basic education cycle
  • Concentration cycle

Areas of Research and Concentration

The undergraduate program covers six (6) areas, whose main objective is the guidance of activities such as teaching, research, external impact, and publications.

  • Legal Theory
  • Public Law
  • Derecho público administrativo
  • Private Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Procedural Law
  • International Law



First Semester

DERE-1101Introduccion al Derecho


DERE-1301Teoria General del Estado


DERE-1102Logica y Retorica


MATE-1501Estadistica 1 (Ciencias Sociales)


Total Credit Hours:19










Alumni Profile

Upon completion of their undergraduate studies in Law, pur students have been admitted to prestigious universities like Harvard, Yale, Chicago, NYU, in the United States, and the Sorbonne, the London School of Economics and Carlos III in Europe.

Law professionals tend to concentrate their work in the private practice of law and in economic sectors such as finance, in public or private organizations.

Our students have performed with excellence within the public sector, in institutions like the Constitutional Court, the Ombudsman Office, the Council of State, the Attorney General Office, the Prosecutor's Office, the National Planning Department, the Presidency and the Ministries.

They also stand out in the diplomatic service as Colombian State representatives before foreign nations and international organisms as the UN, OAS, and IDB.
