Administration: Financial Administration Specialization

Qualification Financial Administration Specialist
Qualified registration Resolution No. 19194 of October 11, 2021 - Valid for 7 years.
Level Specialization
Duration Five bi-monthly periods
Numberofcredits twenty
Working day Nocturnal
Modality In person - Bogotá
SNIEScode 54524
The Specialization in Financial Administration is aimed at professionals from various disciplines who need to complement their academic preparation with financial administration knowledge and tools to understand financial language and support decision-making in this area.


• Understand and interpret an organization's financial information from any decision-making area.

• Acquire the knowledge and tools necessary for managing an organization’s financial resources.

• Understand and evaluate the financial performance of an organization and identify policies that enable decision-making for its sustainable growth.

Applicant Profile

Professionals from various disciplines who need to complement their academic preparation with financial management knowledge and tools to understand financial language and support decision-making in this area.

Study Plan

The Specialization in Financial Administration is offered part-time for one year, during which 10 subjects are taught in total, structured in five study cycles respectively. Each of these cycles lasts 8 weeks. For the purposes of academic load, the ratio of contact hours vs. individual student work hours is 1 to 2.4.


Model Program

First Semester

AFIN-5011Contabilidad Financiera


AFIN-5015Matemáticas Financieras


Total Credit Hours:4

Second Semester

AFIN-5012Análisis Contable



Total Credit Hours:4

Third Semester

AFIN-5017Analisis de Decisiones de Inversion



Total Credit Hours:4

Fourth Semester

AFIN-5005Finanzas Corportativas


AFIN-5013Finanzas de Corto Plazo


Total Credit Hours:4

Fifth Semester



Total Credit Hours:4

Alumni Profile

Graduates of the Specialization in Financial Administration are able to understand and analyze the financial performance of an organization, in order to propose alternatives that contribute to its sustainable development.


Helpline: 601-3324144

Bogotá, Colombia