Administration: Market Intelligence Specialization

Qualification Market Intelligence Specialist
Qualified registration Resolution No. 19195 of October 11, 2021 - Valid for 7 years.
Level Specialization
Duration Five bi-monthly periods
Numberofcredits twenty
Working day Nocturnal
Modality In person - Bogotá
SNIEScode 54526
The Specialization in Market Intelligence strengthens students' analytical skills
of data that supports strategic marketing decision-making based on the application of
analytical research tools that allow us to understand the consumer in a comprehensive manner and
market dynamics. 


  • Learn to base, propose and support marketing decisions based on the use of market data analysis tools, methods and models.
  • Learn analysis-oriented technology to exploit the potential of market information in an organization

Applicant Profile

Professionals from different disciplines who have at least one year of work experience interested in acquiring knowledge and tools for decision-making in marketing.

Study Plan

The Specialization in Market Intelligence is offered part-time for one year, during which 10 subjects are taught in total, structured in five study cycles respectively. Each of these cycles lasts 8 weeks. For the purposes of academic load, the ratio of contact hours vs. individual student work hours is 1 to 2.4.

Model Program

First Semester

IMER-5001Estadistica Aplicada a Mercadeo


IMER-5002Comportamiento y Medición del Consumidor


Total Credit Hours:3.5

Second Semester

IMER-5004Investigación de Mercados Cualitativa


IMER-5003Análisis del Mercado y Entorno Competitivo


Total Credit Hours:3.5

Third Semester

IMER-5006Segmentación y Posicionamiento


IMER-5005Investigación de Mercados Cuantitativa


Total Credit Hours:3.5

Fourth Semester

IMER-5008Análisis de Decisiones Aplicada a Mercadeo


IMER-5007Sistemas de Información de Mercados


Total Credit Hours:3.5

Fifth Semester

IMER-5010Mercados Objetivo


IMER-5009Inteligencia de Negocios


Total Credit Hours:3.5

Alumni Profile

This is a professional who integrates methodologies and technologies for the collection and analysis of information, with the aim of supporting decision-making in marketing.


Helpline: 601-3324144
Bogotá, Colombia