Administration Degree

Qualification Business administrator
Qualified registration Resolution No. 16460 of December 13, 2012 - validity 7 years and resolution 09832 of May 18, 2016, Approval Resolution 006537 of April 21, 2023 for 7 years.
Level Undergraduate
Duration Eight semester periods
Number of credits 134
Working day Diurnal
Modality In person - Bogotá
SNIES code 1536
National accreditation Resolution No. 436 of January 19, 2012 – Validity 10 yearsResolution 7588 of May 8, 2023 – Validity 10 years.
International accreditation *2018: EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System); 2018: AMBA (Association of MBAs); 2020: AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).


The undergraduate program in Administration seeks to contribute to the comprehensive training of people capable of performing competently and responsibly in an organization. During the development of the program, great attention is given to developing in our students leadership skills, a sense of social responsibility and an entrepreneurial spirit that facilitate their participation in transformation processes in public, private and community environments. In addition, values such as tolerance, respect for differences, solidarity and honesty are encouraged. As part of the training process for Administration students, the development and strengthening of skills such as analysis and synthesis, planning and resolution of complex problems, teamwork, critical thinking and attitude, flexibility, conceptualization and integration of knowledge as well as the development of oral and written communication skills is promoted.

Applicant Profile

An aspiring business manager is characterized by his interest in creating, planning, developing and leading new ideas and/or projects. He is curious. He likes to stay informed and learn about other cultures in order to understand the world from different perspectives. He has and/or is interested in developing his ability to motivate, mobilize and lead teams. He is interested in identifying new opportunities and proposing solutions to improve his environment in consideration of its social, economic and environmental needs. He feels an affinity for social sciences and basic sciences.



Graduates of the program are able to make critical use of their knowledge in Administration and other disciplines, with an intercultural perspective; and work effectively with others to make decisions that contribute to the sustainable and innovative development of organizations. Specifically, the program seeks to ensure that Administration professionals are able to:

• Be an honest and responsible professional who contributes to the sustainable development of organizations.
• Be a professional with an intercultural perspective.
• Be a decision-maker based on information and their knowledge of administration.
• Be an effective participant in work teams.
• Be a professional who transforms ideas into opportunities that generate sustainable value.
• Be an effective and assertive communicator.

Study Plan

The undergraduate curriculum in Administration is geared towards comprehensive training and is divided into four training cycles:

  1. Basic cycle: emphasizes the strengthening of analytical skills through the acquisition of knowledge in different disciplines such as Mathematics, Social Sciences and Humanities, considered essential to develop in students structures of thought, self-learning, self-awareness, analysis skills, problem-solving and communication.
  2. Basic professional cycle : in this cycle, students take basic courses in complementary areas such as Probability and Statistics, Economics and Law. Additionally, students begin to take basic courses in the disciplinary areas of Administration, that is, Organizations, Finance, Marketing, Sustainability, Management, Strategy, Supply Chain and Technology.
  3.  Professional cycle: focuses on training courses in disciplinary areas and on courses that contribute to the integration of knowledge acquired and skills developed during the course of the program (e.g. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, International Business, Strategy, Consulting and Managerial Game).
  4. Professional Elective Cycle: In this cycle, students must take advanced elective subjects in different areas of Administration according to their areas of interest. By choosing a particular area of Administration, students have the opportunity to strengthen their profile, knowledge and skills in a specific field. Additionally, in this cycle, students can choose to do a business internship in which they will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in real situations.

On the other hand, in order to develop a critical perspective of the national and international environment of organizations, students must prove an international experience and strengthen their ability to communicate professionally in English . Called the international requirement , this experience must be aligned with the learning objectives of the program and must be carried out while the student is developing his or her Administration studies at the Universidad de los Andes.

The international requirement consists of two elements:

I - Take and pass two English courses at the University, in a disciplinary (i.e. Administration) field. The English level courses from the Language and Culture department do not apply.

II - Have any of the following international experiences during the development of your program:

  1. Participate in an academic exchange through University agreements
  2. Complete a double degree program through institutional agreements.
  3. Pass two international summer school courses (this may be from the Faculty of Administration, from other Uniandes faculties or from partner universities of the Faculty or internationally accredited universities abroad).
  4. Complete an academic option in Language and Culture at the university.
  5. Pass five language courses from the university's Language and Culture department (English courses from the Language and Culture Department do not apply)
  6. Complete an international internship (validated by the CTP).
  7. Represent the program in some international activity or competition endorsed by the Faculty. 

All students must demonstrate their ability to communicate in both Spanish and a second language (English, French, Italian, German or Portuguese), as well as their ability to read in English.

Research or Concentration Areas

At the School of Administration, research is a strategic factor for improving quality and academic development. Within the framework of its 7 academic areas (Marketing, Finance, Management, Organizations, Strategy, Supply Chain and Technology, and Sustainability), our  School has positioned five research groups recognized and classified by Colciencias in the highest category, and with several nuclei that serve as seedbeds for high-level research groups. The groups are:

  • History and Entrepreneurship
  • Public Management
  • Marketing and decisions
  • Finance and financial economics
  • Organizational Studies.

Additionally, the Faculty has the Entrepreneurship Center, which acts as a catalyst for business ideas, supporting and motivating members of the Uniandina community to develop their entrepreneurial processes to generate a positive impact on society.

Professors and students are organized around these research groups and nuclei, and develop projects in different thematic lines of interest. Students are connected through the elective degree option as a research assistant.


Model Program

Students must confirm that they have completed the credits required for each program and the General Student Regulations. One academic credit is equivalent to 48 hours of academic work in the semester.

It is recommended that during each semester of study, as a student, you consult with your academic coordinator and advisory professors to review your academic records (folders) and plan your program at Uniandes in an organized manner.


Students entering from 2018-20 must meet the following requirements grouped in the General Education of the Universidad de los Andes to qualify for their professional degree.

The aim of General Education is to offer a comprehensive education that allows students to complement their professional training and explore different approaches to knowledge, as well as acquire tools in languages and an ethical perspective. General Education develops skills that are considered fundamental for the formation of critical citizens who are committed to their environment.

General Education at the Universidad de los Andes is made up of courses from the Uniandino Basic Cycle, teaching of the Constitution, the Spanish requirement, the foreign language requirement, and free-choice credits.

Please see below for each of the components in detail and the suggestion on when to take them in the program.



DERE-1300Constitución y Democracia




For more information, visit the General Education website:


It is recommended to take the two University Writing courses and the Constitution and Democracy course to complete a total of 16 credits in this semester.
ADMI-1101Fundamentos de Administracion y Gerencia (Para Administradores)




MATE-1254Calculo Diferencial e Integral


DERE-1300Constitución y Democracia


ESCR-1101Escritura Universitaria I


ESCR-1102Escritura Universitaria II



It is recommended to take two CBU courses to complete a total of 18 credits in this semester.
ADMI-1403Análisis de Datos con Hojas de Cálculo


ADMI-2104Historia del Desarrollo Empresarial Colombiano


ADMI-2301Fundamentos de Mercadeo


ECON-2107Introducción a la Microeconomia


MATE-1253Calculo 3 y Algebra Lineal 1



It is recommended to take a CBU course to complete a total of 17 credits in this semester
ADMI-1190Servicios Ecosistémicos-Vmp


MATE-1505Probabilidad y Estadística I







Alumni Profile

Our graduates are highly competent in their performance, especially thanks to their decision-making capacity and their ethical commitment. In addition to being able to lead organizations of diverse nature, graduates have a comprehensive vision that allows them to guide and direct processes in different contexts, both nationally and internationally.

Likewise, the entrepreneurial spirit of the Administrators is reflected in the identification and use of business opportunities. This leadership is reflected in the creation and development of their own companies. The multidisciplinary and flexible training offered by Uniandes develops a broad sense of reality, in an environment of excellence, respect, teamwork and tolerance. Uniandes Administrators are hired in different types of private, public and third sector organizations, where they come to occupy senior management positions.


Program email:
Extensions: 2301, 2358, 2314, 1191
Location: Calle 21 No. 1-20
Bogotá – Colombia