
Qualification International Certified Public Accountant
Qualified registration Resolution No. 1840 of February 13, 2015 – Valid for 7 years.
Level Undergraduate
Duration Nine semester periods
Numberofcredits 144
Working day Diurnal
Modality In person - Bogotá
SNIEScode 104235

The accounting discipline and profession are subject to structural changes in the world. The internationalization and globalization of countries and businesses have brought about major social, political and economic transformations. The Faculty of Administration of the Universidad de los Andes has not been oblivious to the issues, problems and challenges that the development of the context and organizations have demanded of the profession and accounting knowledge in the country.

The accounting profession is distinguished by generating a high level of trust and to ensure its leading role in strategic decision-making processes, each accounting professional must develop, in addition to solid professional knowledge, a multidisciplinary profile with managerial capacity, leadership skills and professional and social interaction, within the framework of an international perspective.

The purpose of the International Accounting program is to provide the country with a program that, with international standards, trains professionals who contribute to the development of organizations in a globalized environment.


Candidate profile

Our candidates come from different backgrounds and are characterized by their curiosity and expectations regarding the financial management of organizations, which is why they project themselves in the future as strategists for the management of financial and non-financial information in an international environment. 


To be admitted to the International Accounting undergraduate program, it is essential to meet two requirements: the academic requirement and the language requirement .

Academic requirement:

High school graduates in Colombia have the essential requirement of taking the Saber 11th Grade Test (ICFES State Exam), whose score must be higher than the minimum score established for each cohort.


Students (Colombian or foreign) who graduated abroad can enroll if they have high school diplomas or international tests validated by the University.

This requirement is the same as that applied to all Uniandes undergraduate applicants.

Foreign Language Requirement: 

Applicants to the International Accounting Program must meet the English Reading Requirement, which must be demonstrated by submitting one of the following international tests: TOEFL (80/120 points - Internet version), IELTS (6.5/9.0), CPE (level C). 

You can also meet the requirement by submitting IB International or American High School certificates or diplomas. 

Certificates must be submitted to the program before the closing of the registration process.

Applicants who do not have the above certifications may meet the requirement by validating their score obtained in the English component of the Saber 11 Test against the cut-off score defined by the program for admission. 

 After admission, students will have to take the diagnostic test from the Department of Languages and Culture, which determines the level of each student in this area and indicates the individual training route within the structure of the university's English levels.

 The diagnostic test is presented under the same conditions and dates established by the department to those admitted to all Uniandes undergraduate programs.




The Uniandino International Accountant:

  • He/she will be an honest and responsible professional who contributes to the sustainable development of organizations.
  • He/she will be a competent professional with criteria for the management and assurance of financial information.
  • You will have a critical perspective of the local, national and international environment of organizations
  • You will be an effective participant in work teams
  • You will be an effective and assertive communicator


The International Accounting undergraduate curriculum is designed under the International Accounting Education Standards and aligned with the contents assessed in international accounting performance certifications. The curriculum recognizes contemporary fields of action, best practices and research approaches of the most recognized undergraduate accounting programs worldwide.
The components on which the curriculum is structured are: leadership, managerial vision, disciplinary training, which includes areas such as financial and managerial accounting, finance, taxation, insurance, legal aspects and information systems.
The objective of these areas is to develop professional skills in the student as well as a solid criterion of disciplinary training. The curriculum includes a component of integration and professional criteria that includes structured professional practices, the accounting office and academic spaces with methodologies and pedagogies that expose the student to environments and situations of professional performance.
The undergraduate program pays special attention to the development of ethical professional criteria and behavior, essential in the development of the accounting profession; as well as the effective participation of the Accountant in high-impact organizational teams.
The comprehensive training of the International Accounting student is complemented with courses from various disciplinary approaches such as: constitution and democracy, Free Choice Courses (CLE), socio-humanistic training courses (Basic Cycle Uniandino-CBU) and Spanish.
The course offering includes sections taught in English to efficiently promote the appropriation of international business contexts, methodologies and practices.


After completing the first professional internship, the student has the opportunity to choose, according to his/her interest, a natural field of development within his/her profession that will allow him/her to expand and deepen his/her knowledge, as well as consolidate himself/herself in:

Accounting: Provides the understanding and tools for recognition, accounting treatment and valuation of organizational operations that are characterized by a greater degree of complexity or that belong to specialized industries or business sectors.

Assurance: Provides the ability to understand and articulate the risk management culture with control and audit practices.

Taxation: It allows to strengthen management tools and understand the impact of the decisions made by the organization at the level of tax structure and procedure, as well as to evaluate tax practices and propose tax planning processes.

Finance: Allows the incorporation of investment and financing alternatives that are present in the markets into organizational management.


Students must confirm that they have completed the credits required for each program and the General Student Regulations. One academic credit is equivalent to 48 hours of academic work in the semester.

It is recommended that during each semester of studies, as a student, you consult with your academic coordinator and advisory professors to review your academic records (folders) and plan your program at Uniandes in an organized manner.












Graduate profile

The Uniandino International Accountant has a comprehensive training that allows him to perform independently and ethically in different types of organizations and in different decision-making and impact positions in the organization, as well as in areas of control, management and direction of the same.

The 2025 vision of high-level and globally recognized accounting professionals is related to the following global trends that impact the accounting profession on a daily basis, from various roles ranging from process management to advice and consulting:

  • Financial reporting processes and strategic-corporate risk management and sustainability processes.
  • Tax management, assurance and compliance with legal, social and environmental obligations.


  • Internal and external auditing of financial information, fraud and forensic processes, in which the Accountant is recognized for his objectivity and independence.


  • Use, evaluation and advice on financial information systems, as well as in the design and administration of these systems.

The Uniandino International Accountant can also undertake the independent practice of his profession to analyze and advise organizations on financial, tax and compliance aspects of international standards.

Likewise, the evolution of the accounting profession must address emerging specialization opportunities through diversified services that must be offered and delivered locally and globally. New horizons are emerging in the development and services required by SMEs (small-medium enterprises), reporting specialization, participation in corporate governance, global fiscal assurance and sustainability, and the financial and public sectors, among others.




Institutional email of the program: contadurí

Telephone and extensions: 3324555 Ext 2448

 Undergraduate website: