This master's program proposes to understand the strategic management of architecture (Architectural Management) as the ability to conceive and lead the development of high-quality architectural projects, with a vision based on the fundamental competencies of the architect and on the technical and conceptual tools of strategic management. It also proposes to extend the paradigm of the architectural project and thus understand it from four fundamental types:
This is a program that from its initial approach seeks to generate a space for integration and innovation, for which it establishes a series of elements that clearly differentiate it in the local and regional environment:
Applicant Profile
This master's degree is aimed at professionals from any discipline who are interested in developing the skills and techniques necessary to strategically propose and manage projects, products and services associated with architecture that contribute positively to the development of the built environment.
The program aims to develop the student's capacity to propose ideas that build value and alternative ways of acting in the field of architecture. The objective is to materialize these proposals based on strategic management and understanding the innovations of the various sectors.
Build skills in strategic management, which allow decision-making and effective influence in the planning and design stages of architectural projects, based on the integration of technological and conceptual tools focused on understanding complex situations. This allows for the construction of a comprehensive vision of the project, based on the architect's core competencies and on the approach of other disciplines.
Skills developed
- Design strategies to understand, integrate and materialize the different dimensions associated with the project business, both in its public and private dimensions.
- Understand complex situations and design strategies that allow them to be translated into a project: highly complex architectural or urban buildings, development of services, architectural products, among others.
- Lead and integrate the capabilities of different professionals and the conceptual and technological tools available to generate value throughout the life cycle around the quality objectives of the architectural project.
- Design and develop high-quality projects that generate the greatest added value in the early stages of planning and design, which allows delivering the highest possible quality to the client and the different associated actors in the later stages of the project: construction, operation, maintenance, updating and decommissioning.
- To design and develop high-quality architectural projects, with a positive effect on the construction of society, which reinforce the public dimension of the architect's work and not his individuality.
- Manage the architectural project at a strategic level (planning and design), in front of actors with a high capacity for influence and decision-making, whereby the attributes of architectural quality will be present from the initial stages of the project.
Study Plan
The curriculum is structured around three training axes: Strategic thinking (12 credits), integration of technological and conceptual tools (14 credits) and comprehensive management of architecture (12 credits), which must be developed over two years. The purpose of each training axis is explained below, as well as the pedagogical guidelines that will be adopted in the program to guarantee student learning. Each of these axes must be assumed as a specific competence of the future Strategic Manager of architectural projects.
The program has four cycles to ensure the integration of the skills and knowledge developed in each curricular axis. Each cycle (one semester) is made up of two 5-credit modules (8 weeks each), which correspond to a course on the Strategic Thinking axis, two courses on the Integration of Technological and Conceptual Tools axis, and finally a course on the Strategic Project Management axis, which also has the function of integrating the skills and knowledge developed in the cycle (capstone course).
Each cycle is associated with a specific area of action and innovation: Environment, information technologies, building technologies and entrepreneurship (Archipreneurship). The last Strategic Management Workshop, in addition to integrating the skills and knowledge of the last cycle, establishes the final evaluation of the students of the program and its objective is to generate a project that the graduate can use to improve his professional performance in a specific organization or that is the conceptual document that allows him to develop a personal enterprise. The integration of skills and knowledge around the Strategic Management Workshops is cumulative, therefore, its complexity increases progressively as the program develops over time.
Research Areas or Emphasis
The Master's Degree is built on the following curricular axes:
Formulate, design, represent, communicate and execute the project strategy to generate a clear and relevant value proposition for various clients. This vision allows graduates of the program to act effectively in the early stages of projects. This competence is built from courses focused on case studies and reflection-in-action workshops (Simulation scenarios for decision-making) that allow the student to understand the complexity of architectural projects based on the network of problematic situations that compose them.
Build a fundamental and interdisciplinary language, based on various tools, that allows the student to represent and understand highly complex situations. This vision allows graduates to have a more effective conceptual apparatus to understand the situations that make up an architectural project, based on technical, financial, commercial and legal language, among others. This competence is developed through intensive training courses in tools based on intensive workshops and online tutorials.
Understand specific situations and demands of the environment to propose architectural projects (buildings, products and services) with an innovative vision enriched by the creative nature of the architectural workshop, the strategic approach of management schools and the user-centered approach of design schools. This competence allows graduates to propose projects with high added value for various actors, both public and private, while allowing them to interact with strategic level agents from various institutions and companies, which results in the viability of the project. It is developed from a series of intensive architectural workshops, enriched by the vision of national and international experts in various areas of opportunity for project development.
Program Model

The Strategic Management of Architectural Projects program has eight modules of 8 weeks each. Most modules have an academic requirement of 5 credits, except for the last one, which is 3 credits. Each 5-credit module involves 240 hours of academic work divided into 80 hours of interaction with professors (40 in person plus 40 virtual) and 160 hours of independent work. There are two types of courses, with clearly differentiated dedications and credit assignments:
See more information about the curriculum here
Alumni Profile
The MAM graduate professional has the ability to understand highly complex situations, in which he/she will identify opportunities to conceive, structure, plan and design architectural projects, both in the public and private sectors, where he/she will be able to generate the greatest added value to society, institutions and private companies. To this end, he/she has the necessary skills to strategically manage the project, based on his/her basic professional competencies, strengthened with a series of technical and conceptual tools from various disciplines, which will allow him/her to integrate and align the capabilities of different professionals associated with the planning and design of projects, as well as integrate available methods and technologies to generate value.
Based on the understanding of the different dimensions associated with the business of developing the built environment, it has the capacity to make decisions in the stages of ideation, pre-feasibility, feasibility and design, which allow increasing the perceived value and quality of the project, while being able to efficiently manage costs and execution times. This quality should be reflected in the way in which the project manages to improve the well-being of society, in terms of city, community, environment and culture, among others.
Degree Requirements
To qualify for a degree, the student of the Master's Degree in Strategic Management of Architectural Projects must:
- Complete and pass the entire proposed study plan (38 credits)
- Not be involved in a disciplinary process or serving a serious sanction.
- Pay the degree fees required by the University and be in good standing with the institution on all matters.
- Meet the minimum English requirement. To do this, the degree candidate has the following options:
Valid TOEFLwith a score of 213/300 or 80/120. Exam validity: 2 years
Valid IELTSwith a score of 6.5. Exam validity: 2 years
Having graduated from an undergraduate program at the Universidad de los Andes, within the five years prior to entering the graduate program.
Qualification exam and workshops at Uniandes
University diploma (bachelor's, master's or doctorate) from an English-speaking country
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