Biological Science Master’s Degree

Qualification Master in Biological Sciences. Biology and Microbiology Area
Qualified registration Resolution No. 07557 of April 12, 2017 - Valid for 7 years.
Level master's degree
Duration Four semester periods
Numberofcredits 36
Working day Diurnal
Modality In person - Bogotá
SNIEScode 20822
National accreditation Resolution No. 07557 of April 12, 2017 - Valid for 6 years.


The program aims, fundamentally, to train highly qualified professionals, with the ability to develop pure or applied research, as well as to communicate scientific information in different academic and professional contexts. To ensure the fulfillment of this purpose, the areas of research are updated, expanded and diversified, with the aim of enabling the candidate to rationally know and explore the biological resources and wealth of the country. It also aims to contribute to the improvement of teaching in Biological Sciences in the country, through the training of advanced level university professors. 


Applicant Profile

The candidate must have completed university studies in Biology or related fields, or present certification of his/her candidacy for a degree. In addition, he/she must demonstrate outstanding academic performance in the programs previously taken (for which his/her resume, reference letters, grades and other certificates provided by the candidate are analyzed).

Study Plan

The graduate program is based on a system of theoretical and theoretical-practical courses that train students for scientific research that will be developed with the support of one or more of the Department's research centers or groups. The expected duration of the program is two years. To obtain the degree, at least 36 approved credits are required.

The candidate has the opportunity and obligation to focus his/her studies on one of the research areas offered in the centers, laboratories and research groups of the Department of Biological Sciences. 

In addition, students must carry out a research project in which, in agreement with their supervisor, they choose a topic for the practical implementation of their degree project, which must constitute an original contribution to the topic. After completing the courses, students must present a master's project (oral), which allows the assessment of their capacity for association and integration of their knowledge. This is done in the form of a discussion based on their research project. The research is carried out within the development of the following subjects: Degree Project, Degree Thesis I and Degree Thesis II. Candidates complete their master's degree with a public defense of their degree thesis.

Research or Concentration Areas

Computational Biology and Microbial Ecology-BCEM

Director: Alejandro Reyes

Topics: genomics and metagenomics, computational biology.



Director: Andrew Crawford

Topics: evolutionary genetics, neotropical biogeography, molecular systematics, taxonomy of amphibians and reptiles, comparative phylogeography, transcriptomics, genomics.


Bioprospecting and Environmental Microbiology – Centre for Microbiological Research - CIMIC

Director: Jenny Dussán - Martha Vives - Maria Francisca Villegas

Topics: microbial diversity, molecular microbiology, bioremediation, biological control, bioprospecting.


Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Parasites-BBMP

Director: Barbara Zimmermann

Topics: pyrimidine synthesis, nucleotide metabolism, expression and purification of recombinant proteins, Toxoplasma gondii, characterization of Toxoplasma gondii strains.


Center for Biochemical Research - CIBI

Director: Jesus Alfredo Uribe

Topics: metabolic disorders, diagnostic approach, hereditary diseases, magnetic resonance imaging, white and gray matter diseases, genetic counseling, metabolic pathways, enzyme deficiencies.


Center for Research in Tropical Microbiology and Parasitology-CIMPAT

Director: Felipe Guhl - Teachers: Jorge Molina, Camila González

Topics: tropical parasitology, epidemiology, molecular biology, geographic information systems, entomology, population genetics, control of Vector-Borne Diseases (VBD), prevention and surveillance.


Center for Genetic Research in Human Diseases

Director: Maria Claudia Lattig

Topics: genetic endocrinology, genetic history of human populations.


Plant Ecology and Physiology Group-ECOFIV

Director: Eloisa Lasso

Topics: plant physiology, plant ecophysiology, moorland, high Andean forest, water relations, transpiration, osmotic adjustments, adaptations to cold.


Cellular and Molecular Research Group on Pathogenic Microorganisms-CEMOP

Director: Adriana Celis

Topics: pathogenic microorganisms, host-pathogen interaction, pathogenicity, virulence, resistance, polyphasic identification, omics technologies.


Microbiomes and Bioenergy Research Group - MICROBIO

Director: Diego Jimenez

Topics: microbiomes, applied microbiology, bioenergy, microbial interactions, meta-omics tools, microbial ecology.


Tropical Palynology and Paleoecology Research Group

Director: Catalina Gonzalez

Topics: ecology, phylogeography, biodiversity conservation and climate change.

Institute of Biomedical Research

Director: Augusto Valderrama

Topics: genomics, ancestry of Colombian populations, cardiometabolic diseases.


Developmental Biology Laboratory-BIOLDES

Director: Zayra Garavito

Topics: vertebrate morphogenesis and organogenesis. Use of zebrafish as diagnostic support and design of disease treatment. Evaluation of biological activity of substances of interest in zebrafish.

Laboratory of Evolutionary Biology of Vertebrates-EVOLVERT

Director: Carlos Daniel Cadena

Topics: phylogenetic systematics, phylogeography, speciation, biogeography, historical ecology and conservation genetics of birds and other vertebrate animals from Colombia and other Neotropical countries.


Marine Molecular Biology Laboratory - BIOMMAR

Director: Juan Armando Sanchez

Topics: zooaxanthellae, coral reefs, coral bleaching, connectivity, phylogeography.


Laboratory of Botany and Systematics

Director: Santiago Madriñán

Topics: phylogenetics, biodiversity, biogeography, tropical biology, floristics.


Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology and Primatology-LEBTYP

Director: Pablo Stevenson - Professor: Andrés Link

Topics: conservation, animal behavior, basic ecology, ornithology, fauna inventories, botany, environmental education, forest regeneration.


Laboratory of Molecular Ecology of Aquatic Vertebrates-LEMVA 

Director: Susana Caballero

Topics: molecular ecology, phylogeography, taxonomy, systematics, diversity.


Human Genetics Laboratory

Director: Helena Groot

Topics: molecular epidemiology of cancer, toxicological genetics, genetic polymorphisms, phylogenetics, cell cultures, disease susceptibility.


Laboratory of Molecular Interactions of Microorganisms in Agriculture-LIMMA

Director: Adriana Bernal

Topics: pathogenic bacteria, beneficial bacteria, plant colonization, bacterial genes, molecular interaction between pathogenic bacteria, genomics and transcriptomics.


Laboratory of Zoology and Aquatic Ecology-LAZOEA

Director: Emilio Realpe

Topics: invertebrates, benthic macroinvertebrates, microcrustaceans, aquatic entomology, taxonomy, biodiversity, distribution, bioindication, limnology, developmental biology.


Model Program: Biology Emphasis

First Semester

CBIO-4301Topics on Evolution Ecology


LENG-4999Requisito Idiomas Postgrado


CBIO-4201Biologia Cuantitativa


CBIO-4600Entrenam.Normas y Proc.Lab.Dcb


CBIO-4804Semin. Dept. Ciencias Biologicas


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

CBIO-4902Proyecto de Maestria


CBIO-4804Semin. Dept. Ciencias Biologicas


Total Credit Hours:8

Third Semester

CBIO-4912Tesis Maestria 1


Total Credit Hours:8

Fourth Semester

CBIO-4913Tesis Maestria 2


Total Credit Hours:8

Model Program: Microbiology Emphasis

First Semester

CBIO-4110Topics in Molecular Microbiology


CBIO-4201Biologia Cuantitativa


LENG-4999Requisito Idiomas Postgrado


CBIO-4600Entrenam.Normas y Proc.Lab.Dcb


CBIO-4804Semin. Dept. Ciencias Biologicas


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

CBIO-4902Proyecto de Maestria


CBIO-4804Semin. Dept. Ciencias Biologicas


Total Credit Hours:8

Third Semester

CBIO-4912Tesis Maestria 1


Total Credit Hours:8

Fourth Semester

CBIO-4913Tesis Maestria 2


Total Credit Hours:8

Alumni Profile

At the end of the process, graduates are expected to be able to analyze a scientific problem, express opinions and propose alternatives to solve it; they are able to work in multidisciplinary teams during research processes; they are able to analyze scientific literature to the point of being able to participate professionally in its development, with above-average knowledge in their area of interest; in addition to the ability to clearly communicate scientific concepts. As a whole, graduates of the Master's Degree in Biological Sciences have the training to continue their doctoral studies, to perform professionally in their area of training and for teaching activities in their field of knowledge.

Contact Information

Ana Carolina Ronseria

Academic and Administrative Coordinator

Tel. 3394999 ext.3197


Catalina Gonzalez Arango

Master's and PhD Coordinator