ANTR-1106B Pensamiento Indigena

Although knowledge is supposed to be neutral and at the service of all humanity, the current reality shows that this has not been possible and, on the contrary, it is increasingly benefitting a more and more minor population, because other world views, ancestral legacies of millenary cultures, which have been ignored and underestimated by the so called western society until not too long ago, have begun to be known and recognized by the mass of the world population and their parameters and fundamentals are now being taken into account, in search for a different solution to the current state of humanity and the planet in general, which have been deteriorated for the most part. As a multilingual and pluricultural country, Colombia is a breeding ground to start this search for wisdom, natural practices and alternate cultures, born by its indigenous and Afro-Colombian societies that exist to this day on national territory, some of which even conserve their mother tongue and, thus, the essence of their thought. The course attempts to provide students with characteristics of knowledge (reflected in the cultural traditions and thought) of alternate peoples to western society (particularly indigenous and Afro-Colombian peoples), based on the work of pioneer researchers (anthropologists and other professionals) interested in this type of knowledge, and its comparison with so-called western through, considering the specificities in each case of the peoples analyzed.
