ICYA-4410 Comportamiento y Diseño en Estructuras de Acero

The objective of the course is to train students in the management of the basic concepts that will allow them to understand the behavior of the most frequently used in civil works steel structures and to have the basics to perform a design of different types of elements put under different requirements including gravitational, static, dynamic loads and horizontal loads caused by wind and/or earth quakes. Participants study designs responding to tension, compression, and flexion and combined loads such as flexion-compression or shear-tension. Bolt and welded connections are reviewed. By the end of the course, the student will be able to develop a conceptual design of components and its connections applied to buildings, roofs or bridges. Special emphasis is given to seismic behavior of buildings built using steel structures and the special seismic requirements under the applicable regulation. Students will conduct a series of demonstrative experimental tests on different conditions and loads that happen in practice and that help illustrate the theoretical developments of the course. Students carry out a real structure design project.




Reyes Juan