IMEC-4214 Transferencia de Calor Avanzada

This is a first course of computer networks. Under a top-down approach, it presents each one of the levels that compose the protocol stack of a network, with special emphasis in TCP/IP that is in the base of the Internet. TCP/IP is used like example of real implementation of the fundamental concepts of networks, without forgetting the protocols and implementations of different network architectures. Specificities are additionally introduced to understand how to adapt these concepts to new technologies like wireless networks. Special emphasis is put to understand the impact on both security and performance of current networking implementations.,English,- The course has two equally important components: theoretical lectures and practical laboratories. Laboratories not only illustrate the practical part of the most important concepts seen in the theoretical classes, but also they complement in themes that seek to give to students new skills useful in the practice of the profession.




Gordillo Ariza Gerardo