LENG-1106 Ingles VI

During the second cycle, students perfect skills in the productive abilities of language, which are oral and written expression, which enables them to meet the demands of the academic contexts in which they have to use English as a foreign language. The second cycle includes the courses English 4, English 5 and English 6. This is the last course of the skills cycle in the English program as academic support. Emphasis is placed on oral communication as well as the comprehension of written and spoken English. Students communicate verbally in academic contexts in an effective manner. Students are aware of linguistic aspects such as intonation, stress, rhythm and phrasing on the discourse level and realize that the way you say something has implications in the meaning being transmitted. They are capable of incorporating these elements in their discourse to improve their communication. Communicative skills and the awareness of linguistic and paralinguistic aspects are practiced by studying and analyzing texts of a paralinguistic and pragmatic nature, analyzing dialects, conversational styles and aspects that influence communication such as the expression of gender and cultural representations.  




Reza Aziz Ahmad