MBIO-3913 Trabajo de Grado, Monografia o Practica de Grado

The subject Inscription Project Grade BIOL 3906 proposed by the student is developed in this course. The Graduation Project is carried out under a scientific committee tutorial where the student executes a scientific task based upon his/her project. This final project should be submitted in writing. (Manuscript format of scientific type) and give room for a public presentation. The Grade Internship is guided as a student formation complement based upon field experience and through enterprise, institutes and/or laboratories dynamic participation. Access to these programs could be granted through published offers by CTP or through students self management. Monograph is an investigation based upon scientific literature carried out under the supervision of one or two tutors. Work results should be submitted in writing (manuscript format of scientific type) giving room for a public presentation.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
