Engineering: Transmission Systems and Electric Power Distribution Specialization

Degree Specialist in Electric Power Transmission and Distribution
Level Specialization
Duration Three (3) semesters
Number of credits 22
Class Schedule Semidesescolarizada
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1568



Addressing the need of the Colombian electric and industrial sectors for an efficient management of electric energy systems, the School of Electric and Electronic Engineering of the Universidad de los Andes, in order to solve the current problems, has decided to offer the Specialization in Electric Energy Transmission and Distribution Systems program.

The objective of this program is to train experts to design, plan and manage electric energy transmission and distribution systems. For this reason, the technical concentration has been complemented with concentrations in financial areas and project management. The technical concentration is achieved by addressing issues and modern methodologies on the design of transmission systems, the management of distribution systems, the analysis and management of the potency quality, and the development of intelligent networks and the use of renewable energy.

The training of specialized engineers in the areas of transmission and distribution bares great present and future importance for the companies of the electricity sector, due to the assignment of important economic and human resources to these areas.

The adequate introduction of technologies and modern methodologies in planning and designing transmission and distribution systems, along with methodologies on management of public utilities, allow the companies to improve the efficiency of their service and optimize their investments and resources to offer a better service, with a planned expansion, with adequate management of tools for the control of energy losses, and with better economic and financial results.

The economical, political and legal changes that have taken place in the country, especially in the electricity sector, have created a new environment for private and public companies in Colombia. The new situation, of decisive influence for the electric energy companies, has made them incorporate the analysis of the environment and the influence of external factors on their performance to their administrative processes in general and the planning processes in particular.

Under these circumstances, more than at any other time, the planning processes, in particular, become essential for the development of companies, because it allows to determine, in a formal and systematic manner, the opportunities that the environment offers, considering the companies´ strengths and weaknesses, to set the strategies that will allow better benefits and to be better prepared to face the new challenges successfully.

Study Plan

The program consists of total of 10 full attendance courses, equivalent to 300 hours (distributed between class time, workshop time and lab time) and a 3 month dissertation project. During the specialization, the courses are distributed into three cycles or 6 month modules. The program lasts a total of 18 months, where full attendance classes will be three days a week, once a month (Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays).

As a dissertation project, the student will propose and solve a problem of this area applying the methodologies, methods, techniques or tools developed during the program's courses.


Model Program

First Semester

STRA-5410Probabilidad y Estadistica


STRA-5413Analisis Financiero


STRA-5421Confiabilidad Sistemas de Potencia


STRA-5428Simulación de Sistemas Eléctricos


Total Credit Hours:8

Second Semester

STRA-5425Calidad de la Potencia


STRA-5412Regulación y Mercados de Energía


STRA-5414Diseño de Sistemas de Transmision


STRA-5419Gerencia de Proyectos y Aseguramiento de la Calidad


Total Credit Hours:8

Third Semester

STRA-5401Proyecto de Grado


STRA-5404Automatización de Sistemas de Potencia


Total Credit Hours:4

Alumni Profile
