Mechanical Engineering Department

The scope of mechanical engineering is wide and contributes to all the areas related to technology; from basic investigation, which allows fundamental advances in materials, energy, dynamic systems, etc., to diverse applications such as the creation of industrial agricultural, thermoelectric, machinery, automotive, medical, aeronautics, space machinery and many other uses in various branches of science and engineering.

The Andes University´s Mechanical engineering program offers knowledge on the areas mentioned above and a certain level of specialization in some of them, complementing technical instruction with socio humanistic series. After fourth semester, technology oriented subjects are offered, and the students are provided with the chance to choose diverse courses that allow them to increase their knowledge on the specialty of their interest.

The department currently offers integrated sequential studies in the areas of manufacturing and materials, energy conversions, dynamic systems. Also, the students acquire the necessary practice to start their professional activities through laboratories, projects, industrial visits and workshops that complement the theoretical courses. This program allows the mechanical engineers to begin working as soon as they graduate or continue postgraduate studies in Colombian or abroad, according to their capacities and vocation.

The department has 15 full-time teachers, of whom 10 have achieved a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) and 5 of them have a Masters degree n Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, the department has some highly qualified part time teachers. The department offers an undergraduate program with great tradition which began in 1951 and a masters degree in Mechanical Engineering offered since 1968.

The department has modern laboratory facilities, in addition to a wide provision instruments for the measurement of typical variables of phenomena associated with engineering available to our students. In terms of information technologies, the department´s members have access to all the computer facilities of the School of Engineering as well as the Direction of Information Technologies (DTI). The facilities, besides having modern hardware equipment, have been installed with a series of computer packages at the service of teaching and research for solving and modeling problems of mechanical engineering.

Students in our program have access to student chapters of the ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) and SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), to which they can subscribe and participate in a series of academic activities and courses.

The alumni associated through UNIANDINOS, in the chapter of CIMANDES, are active in their relationship with the department to promote the Annual Mechanical Engineering Prize, in addition to rewarding the best undergraduate thesis projects and the best masters dissertation projects each semester. Regarding the relationship with the industry, the department offers specialized consulting services in subjects related to materials, manufacturing, production, polymer processing, lab test services, etc. through the Research Center of Mechanics properties and Structure of Materials CIPEM and the Research Center for Polymer Processing CIPP.