Mechanical Engineering Degree

Degree Mechanical Engineer
Level Under Graduate
Duration Eight (8) semesters
Number of credits 137 (Sin requisito de español)
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1543
National Accreditation 2009: CNA (Consejo Nacional de Acreditación - National Accreditation Council) for 8 years



To provide the theoretical, technical and human skills for the adequate application of mechanical engineering. The field of application is wide and contributes to many areas from basic investigation, which allows fundamental advances, to diverse application such as the creation of industrial agricultural, thermoelectric, automotive, medical and aeronautic machinery, and others. The Andes University´s Mechanical engineering program offers knowledge on the areas mentioned above and a certain level of specialization in some of them, complementing technical instruction with socio humanistic series.

Study Plan

The current Study Plan allows the students to submerge from the beginning in subjects which rapidly create a clear picture of the program, as well as taking basic subjects such as physics and mathematics.

Besides theory, the students acquire the necessary practice to start professional activities in laboratories, projects, industrial visits and seminars that complement their formation. This program allows the mechanical engineers to begin working as soon as they graduate or continue postgraduate studies in Colombian or abroad, according to their capacities and vocation.

The program is highly elective which allows the students to concentrate efficiently on their areas of interest, take a double program, an option or even take some subject from postgraduate programs.

Investigation or Emphasis Areas

The Mechanical Engineering Program is structured around three main areas:

  • Machinery and dynamic systems
  • Energy conversion
  • Materials and manufacturing.

The three areas are present in basic subjects from the beginning of the program and the students may take the option, at any time, of concentrating in any of theses subjects, orienting their elective subject towards their area of interest.





















Alumni Profile

Their training allows them to perform in areas of design, investigation and technology adaptation. Alumni are well prepared as process, production, planning and project control engineers. They are recognized for their leadership skills and are generally in management position. According to the employers, our alumni are the most alike the ideal engineer because of their ability to work with autonomy and their responsibility when understanding and solving engineering problems.
