PSIC 2312 Psicologia del Aprendizaje

The use of language distinguishes humans from all other animal species, fulfilling an essential role in processes of learning and development. The study of language and its relationship with thought and perception is key to understanding the integrated functioning of many psychological processes. 

This course will explore the cognitive processes associated with language in humans. In particular, we will analyze the various levels of structure of language, and the neural bases of oral and written language processes. We will examine various perspectives on language including those of cognitive, comparative, cultural, developmental, evolutionary and humanistic psychology.

Topics to be covered include:

Why language is of interest to psychologists; the principle properties of human language; different perspectives on and models of language; the origins and history of languages; communication in other species; neurolinguistics; language disorders; the normal and abnormal development of language in children; the relationship between language and thought, between language and perception, and between language and self; literacy; bilingualism and second language learning; and narrative.


The working language for this course is English. In addition to the psychological components presented above, this course will include activities designed to help students develop and improve their communications skills in English. Students will learn some key strategies for effective reading, listening, discussing and writing in English, and will practice them through diverse course activities.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
