GEOC 3201 Sequence Stratigraphy

Definitions of seismic and sequence stratigraphy and seismic geomorphology. History of seismic and sequence stratigraphy. Lithostratigraphy. Chronostratigrapy. Recent advances and the future; impact of technologies. Seismic geomorphology. Fundamentals of sequence stratigraphy time basis of stratigraphic analysis. Importance of scale in sequence stratigraphy. Sequences, parasequences, systems tracts, facies. Biostratigraphy and importance to sequence stratigraphy. Trace and body fossils. Condensed sections and sequence boundaries. The Lowstand Systems Tract. Types and distribution of reservoir, source, and seal rocks. The Transgressive Systems Tract. Types and distribution of reservoir, source, and seal rocks. The Highstand Systems Tract. Types and distribution of reservoir, source, and seal rocks. G. A workflow for building an integrated sequence stratigraphic framework. Integration of rocks, fossils, well logs, geochemistry, seismic, and well tests. Application of sequence stratigraphy workflow to common clastic rocks (non-marine, shallow and deep marine). Carbonate sequence stratigraphy. Example case studies from: U.S. Mexico Gulf of Mexico, onshore North America, Australia, Indonesia, and elsewhere.