LENG 6991 Ingles Doctorados 1

IPD 1 develops central academic writing and speaking genres of relevance to students undergoing studies at a Doctoral level, supporting the construction and presentation of students’ academic production as expressed in different rhetorical structures: logical division of ideas, chronologies and comparison – contrast in paragraphs and objects, concepts and processes in oral presentations. By critically analyzing oral and written discourse passages from their fields, students notice features of each genre which are, in turn, developed into personal strategies in the students’ own production, both in writing and speech. This comparative study also fosters other relevant academic skills: giving presentations, participating in discussions, understanding and reacting to academic spoken English, understanding standard and non-standard language usage choices, and analytical reading skills. Finally, personal language usage and vocabulary are promoted to further support an appropriate academic production in English.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
