Literature Master’s Degree

Degree Master of Literature
Level Magister
Duration Three (3) semesters
Number of credits 40
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 52330



  • To prepare researchers in Literature.
  • Our research perspective is targeted to study a wide range of fundamental topics and issues concerning contemporary literary studies, including dissemination and construction of literary canons, (re)reading of classics, genre studies, literature history, compared studies and receipt and translation of literary texts.

Study Plan

* As of the Second Semester of 2010, a change in the M.A. Study Plan was approved, as a foundation for the development of the Doctoral Program.

Theory Seminars

Their general purpose is to analyze and compare some of the main theoretical approaches that guide the reflection concerning the literary phenomenon. Some topics include classical poetics and theories of mimesis; Romantic aesthetic theories; and contemporary tendencies such as: gender studies, hermeneutics, Marxism, poststructuralism, and postcolonial studies.

Elective Monographic or Interdisciplinary Seminars

These literary criticism seminars focus on the study of specific texts, problems, or authors. Theory is used as a tool for the analysis of literary works of different periods and cultures, from a critical and interdisciplinary standpoint.

Research Seminars

These are the backbone of the Master's Degree Program, which concludes with the graduation project. The student enrolls in one seminar per semester. It is suggested that research projects should be aligned with the research works of Department professors or groups.

Research or Concentration Areas

Students may opt for one of the Department's current research lines or groups to prepare their M.A. thesis.

Research Lines

Gender Literature, and Culture Studies

19th- century Studies: Identities, Gender, and Nation

Classical Poetics

Contemporary Literary Theory

Latin American Colonial Literature

Poetics of Translation

Comparative Studies

Research Groups

Women, Literature, and Culture

Discourse and Fiction. Colombia and Latin America in the 19th Century

Poetics. Playwrights, Poets, and Philosophers Reflect on the Arts

Peiras: Research Group in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

Research Group in the Renaissance and the Baroque

Model Program: Modalidad profundización

First Semester

LITE-4120Teoría I


LITE-XXXXSeminario de Temas y Autores


LITE-XXXXSeminario de Temas y Autores


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

LITE-43XXSeminario Monográfico o Interdisciplinario


LITE-4121Teoría II


LITE-4904Tutorial de Profundización I


Total Credit Hours:14

Third Semester

LITE-43XXSeminario Monográfico o Interdisciplinario


LITE-XXX2Tutorial de Profundización II




Total Credit Hours:14

Model Program: Modalidad Investigación

First Semester

LITE-4120Teoría I


LITE-XXXXSeminario de Temas y Autores


LITE-XXXXSeminario de Temas y Autores


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

LITE-4121Teoría II


LITE-43XXSeminario Monográfico o Interdisciplinario


LITE-XXXXSeminario de Temas y Autores


Total Credit Hours:12

Third Semester

LITE-43XXSeminario Monográfico o Interdisciplinario


LITE-4902Tesis de Maestria




Total Credit Hours:16

Alumni Profile

Graduates of this program acquire the analytical and methodological skills necessary to conduct Literary research. Their training as Iesearchers and critics allows graduates to perform in various areas such as: teaching; specialized literary and cultural criticism; working in the publishing field; and/or undertaking doctoral studies.

Taking into account that the Master's degree programs currently offered in the country give preference to the study of Colombian and Latin-American literature, the Uniandes Master's degree program features a unique emphasis on theoretical and critical aspects that provide a closer rapprochement to various theoretical traditions and literary texts.
