Biology – Science Doctoral Program

Degree PhD in Science - Biology
Level Doctoral Program
Duration Ocho Semesters - 4 Years
Number of credits 82
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1587


The program is aimed at training researchers capable of performng and leading research recognized as an input for science progress by national and international academic communities. The doctoral education will be based primarily on developing a research project, making presentations during seminars and preparing a Dissertation that constitutes an original contribution to scientific knowledge.


Study Plan

The Doctoral program is developed under various agreements with foreign renowned universities; thus, the syllabus is prepared individually, in accordance with the particular research needs of the student. The final quality assessment of the dissertation is the most important element in this program; however, the credit system is used to acknowledge the student's progress. The joint Doctoral program lasts a minimum of three years and a maximum of seven years. During this period, the student will pursue studies in a foreign university at least over six months and choose the courses or seminars assigned under the supervision of the dissertation director.

Areas of Research or Concentration

Evolutionary Biology of Vertebrates.

Director: Carlos Daniel Cadena.

Topics: Phylogenetics systematics, phylogeography, speciation, biogeography, historic and genetic ecology of the preservation of birds and other vertebrates of Colombia and other neotropical countries.

Marine Molecular Biology.

Director: Juan Armando Sánchez.

Topics: Zooxanthellae, coral reefs, coralline whitening, connectivity, phylogeography.

Biochemistry of Inborn Errors.

Director: Jesús Alfredo Uribe.

Topics: Metabolic disorders, diagnostic approach, inherited diseases, magnetic resonance, white and grey matter diseases, genetic consultancy, metabolic pathways, enzymatic deficiencies.

Biochemistry of Pyrimidines in Parasites.

Director: Bárbara H. Zimmermann

Topics: Pyrimidines Synthesis, nucleotide metabolism, expression and purification of recombining proteins, Toxoplasma gondii , characterization of stumps and virulence factors of T. gondii .

Systematics Botany.

Director: Santiago Madriñán

Topics: Phylogenetics, biodiversity, biogeography, tropical biology, floristics.

Molecular Diagnosis and Bioinformatics.

Director: Carlos Jaramilllo. Co-director: María del Pilar Delgado.

Topics: Immunodiagnosis, molecular diagnosis, bioinformatics, basic and applied molecular biology, diagnosis of infectious diseases.

Rain forest Ecology and Primatology.

Director: Pablo Stevenson

Topics: Preservation, animal behavior, basic ecology, fauna inventories, botany, environmental education, forest regeneration.

Ecophysiology of behavior and Herpetology.

Director: Adolfo Amézquita

Topics: Ecophysiology of amphibious and reptiles, communication, bioacoustics, geographical variation, sexual choice, evolution of life stories, cannibalism, phenotypic plasticity.

Plant Physiology.

Director: Sylvie Cournier

Topics:Plant Physiology, plant ecophysiology, high plateau, high andean forest, water relations, transpiration, osmotic adjustments, adaptation to cool temperatures.

Micology and Phytopathology.

Director: Silvia Restrepo y Adriana Bernal

Topics: Interactions between plants – microorganisms, interactions between fungus – humans, diagnosis of phytopathogens, environmental micology.

Human Genetics.

Director: Helena Groot

Topics: Molecular epidemiology of cancer, toxicologic genetics, cellular growing, sensitivity to diseases.

Population Genetics.

Director: Mauricio Linares

Topics: Population Genetics, molecular genetics, profound genetic divergences, evolution, especiation, Drosophila, Heliconius , molecular systematics, biostatistics, phylogeography, cytogenetics.

Food Microbiology.

Director: María Consuelo Vanegas

Topics: Ecology and Food Microbiology, water, use of molecular techniques to detect pathogens. Food transmissible diseases (FTDs), quality in the food industry and its impact over Public Health.

Environmental and Molecular Microbiology.

Director: Jenny Dussán

Topics: Microbial diversity, molecular microbiology , biologic control, bioprospection.

Tropical Parasitology.

Director: Felipe Guhl

Topics: Tropical parasitology, molecular characterization, epidemiology, molecular biology, geographic information systems, entomology, population genetics, control of vector transmissible diseases (VTD), prevention and surveillance.

Water Zoology and Ecology.

Directors: Emilio Realpe

Topics: Invertebrates, bentonic macroinvertebrates, microcrustaceans, water entomology, taxonomy, diversity, distribution, limnology, biology of development.

Model Program

First Semester

LENG-4999Requisito Idiomas Postgrado


CBIO-4804Semin. Dept. Ciencias Biologicas


CBIO-4600Entrenam.Normas y Proc.Lab.Dcb


Total Credit Hours:8

Second Semester

CBIO-6903Proyecto de Tesis Doctorado


CBIO-6970Examen Conocimientos


CBIO-4804Semin. Dept. Ciencias Biologicas


Total Credit Hours:10

Third Semester

CBIO-6980Tesis Doctorado 1


CBIO-6802Semin.Investigacion Doc. L.D.1


Total Credit Hours:16

Fourth Semester

CBIO-6803Semin.Investigacion Doc. L.D.2


CBIO-6981Tesis Doctorado 2


CBIO-6971Examen de Candidatura


Total Credit Hours:16

Fifth Semester

CBIO-6982Tesis Doctorado 3


CBIO-6914Pasantia Doctorado


Total Credit Hours:20




Alumni Profile

The alumni from this program are trained to conduct fundamental or applied research in the various research areas offered by the Department. Colombia is home to one of the largest biodiversity and, at the same time, it holds one of the lowest ratios of professional researchers vis-a-vis its population. Graduate programs form innovative researchers, capable of contributing to scientific progress, biodiversity preservation, sustainable harnessing of natural products and improvement of production in microorganisms, plants and animals concerned with agriculture, industry and medicine. The alumni occupational profile matches three relevant areas: academy (universities, basic research institutions and museums), public sector (agriculture, environment and health) and industry (research and development of biotechnologies, consultancy). At the end of the process, the student is expected to gain a comprehensive insight into the issues relevant to his research area: facts, principles, theories and techniques, and to demonstrate in-depth knowledge about experimental design, statistics and science philosophy necessary to plan, lead and develop original research projects.
