Mathematics Department

The activities of the Department of Mathematics consists of three main areas: undergraduate, graduate and research and, finally, the courses given to students from all programs offered at the University. Such activity is one of the distinctive features of the Universidad de los Andes, as Mathematics are fundamental for basic training, the rigor of thinking, the knowledge and methodologies of studies of all Uniandino students.

The Mathematics career, which has granted the Mathematician title , established forty years ago, works with a selected number of students. The excellence of our alumnae has been recently evidenced inthe results they obtained on the Higher-education quality exams (Exámenes de Calidad de la Educación Superior -ECAES-) in past years. Many of our alumnae have pursued Doctoral studies in some of the world's finest universities, obtaining excellent results, which has allowed them to become professors and researchers in some universities -including the Universidad de los Andes where our alumnae have joined our Department of Mathematics, as well as other Departments and Schools of our University. It is also worth to mention that numerous alumnae work for the productive sector of the country, both private and public, in different areas such as finances, telecommunications, computer science and economics. Part of the reason for such diversity in the professional practice of the alumnae is the flexibility of the career, as its syllabus includes an area of concentration in some of the other programs offered by the University. Furthermore, it is common for the students of mathematics to conduct simultaneous studies on any other program belonging to the Schools of Science, Engineering, Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences.

Similarly, the Masters Degree Program in Mathematics, established in 1975, trains professors and researchers for the Colombian universities and enterprises. Educating Mathematics researchers and professors for local universities is one of the goals of the Doctoral Program on Mathematics, approved in March 2005 by Colombia's Ministry of Education. These graduate level due to the quality of its Faculty. All professors in said programs have pursued Doctoral studies and most of them conduct permanent research activities

Furthermore, the Department of Mathematics of the Universidad de los Andes has always sought to be present in the development of Mathematics in the country. Quite often it has been one of the institutions organizing national academic meetings, both national and international, in conjunction with Sociedad Colombiana de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional, -Bogota and Medellin section - the Universidad del Valle, the Universidad del Norte as well as other universities.