Mathematics Master’s Degree

Degree Master of Mathematics
Level Magister
Duration Four (4) semesters
Number of credits 45
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1585



The Masters Degree Program offered by the Mathematics Department of the Universidad de los Andes since January 1975 trains professionals capable of conducting high-quality work in the areas of research, pure and applied mathematics, teaching at university level, application of the theoretical methods provided by Mathematics to natural and social sciences, and engineering. It is also an invitation to those who want to follow their vocation of mathematicians.

The Masters Degree Program on Mathematics must be regarded as the natural continuation of the undergraduate course in Mathematics, commenced by the department in 1964, whose quality is widely recognized.

Study Plan

Compulsory courses

The program includes two compulsory courses:

  • Functional Analysis or Measurement and Integration, which have the Topology course as a pre-requisite.
  • Abstract Algebra 2 (Polynomial rings, Field Extensions, Galois theory). For this course, the Abstract Algebra course (theory of groups and rings) is a pre-requisite.

Elective courses

Five elective courses at master's level for a total of 15/20 credits.

Two graduate seminars (4 credits).

Seminar on the Graduation Project and Area Exam (3 credits).

Pre-requisites: Compulsory courses and at least 4 elective courses.

Graduation project (12 credits).

Pre-requisite: Seminar on Graduation project.

Areas of Concentration

  • Algebra, logic, combinatory and theoretical computing sciences.
  • Dimensional geometry and its application on theoretical physics.
  • Topology.
  • Differential Equations, Functional and Numerical Analysis.
  • Methodology for teaching Mathematics.
  • Applied Mathematics: Probability, Statistics, Stochastic Processes, optimization and Control, and Financial Mathematics.

Model Program

First Semester

MATE-4901Seminario de Postgrado 1


MATE-4106Álgebra para posgrado


MATE-4201Análisis para posgrado


Total Credit Hours:13

Second Semester

MATE-4902Seminario de Postgrado 2


Total Credit Hours:11

Third Semester

MATE-4903Seminario de Trabajo de Grado


Total Credit Hours:6

Fourth Semester

MATE-4904Trabajo de Grado


Total Credit Hours:12

Alumni Profile

The program pursues to develop professionals in the field of mathematics who are capable of developing high-quality work in university teaching, as well as in State-owned and private enterprises.
