Physics Doctoral Program in Science

Degree PhD in Science - Physics
Level Doctoral Program
Duration Six (6) to Fourteen (14) semesters
Number of credits 82
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 7259


The main objective of the Doctoral program offered by the Department of Physics is the training of researchers. Therefore, the aim is to develop the necessary skills amongs students so that they may conduct original research works autonomously.

At the same time, students gain maturity in terms of Physics, which enables them to approach Science with the necessary critical thinking for the true understanding and eclosion of new ideas.


Study Plan

The syllabus is divided in two main cycles: the stage of fundamentation, with a maximum duration of three semesters that ends with the successful passing of the knowledge exam, and the statetion, during which the students must pass their test to be accepted in the program, and finally the dissertation defense. During the fundamentation stage, students take courses as preparation for the knowledge test. The dissertation preliminary stage encompasses a core research activity, supplemented with advanced courses, elective courses and seminars. Initially, students take two preliminary research courses . (Research 1 and Research 2) guided by their adviser, aimed at preparing the dissertation proposal that will be presented as part of the exam to be accepted in the program. After passing the acceptance test, the res. The research conducted within the sequence of courses named Dissetation 1, Dissertation 2, etc. The academic load of the research courses (research or dissertation) may vary between 4 and 12 credits per semester, depending on the dedication established by the dissertation director, and it should have at least 48 credits during the entire program. In exceptional cases, the Graduate Committee may approve up to 15 credits per research in one semester with that single activity.

As a sippleement to the caore research program, the students must take, during the two cycles, at least: 4 elective-advanced courses (4 or 5 credits) and five advanced seminars (3 credits, offered by the Department's research groups).

Research Areas

The students are accepted in the program within one of the research lines offered by the professors authorized to direct Doctoral dissertations. Currently we offer the following research lines: Biophysics, High-energy physics, Condensed-matter Physics, Quantic Mechanics and Physics of Information , Physical Geometrical and algebraic methods.

Model Program

Foundation Stage

FISI-4010Mecanica Cuantica Avanzada 1


FISI-4040Statistics Mechanics


FISI-4405Mecanica Analitica




FISI-6001Knowledge Examination


Total Credit Hours:16

First Semester

Total Credit Hours:20

Second Semester

FISI-6002Application Exam


Total Credit Hours:20

Third Semester

Total Credit Hours:20

Fourth Semester

Total Credit Hours:19

Fifth Semester

Total Credit Hours:15

Sixth Semester

Total Credit Hours:12

Sixth Semester

Total Credit Hours:12

Sixth Semester

Total Credit Hours:12

Alumni Profile

The alumnae of the Doctoral Program on Science-Physics are highly-qualified professionals who are able to conduct original and meaningful contributions to the development of Sience, from the field of Physics. The alumnae are capable of proposing and developing frontier research and spreading their knowledge in an adequate manner to the international scientific community. Furthermore, they will have the scientific and human training necessary to carry out their activities, either in the sector, with the highest criteria of ethics and responsibility.
