Anthropology Degree

Degree Anthropologist
Level Under Graduate
Duration Eight (8) semesters
Number of credits 123
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1531
National Accreditation 2006: Renewal. CNA (Consejo Nacional de Acreditación - National Accreditation Council) for 7 years.



  • Educate anthropologists so as to analyze theoretically and methodologically, the areas of social anthropology, archaeology and bioanthropology.
  • Familiarize students with the country´s and region´s social and cultural situation.
  • Establish research grounds in the the fields of anthropology, archaelogy and bioanthropology.
  • Offer students a flexible and interdisciplinary program which guarantees academic excellency.

Study Plan

The program combines mandatory courses and advanced elective seminars and there is a total of 38 courses. Each one is worth three (3) credits, except for the graduation project which is equivalent to six (6) credits, for a total of 120 credits.

It comprises various cycles that enable, among others, an opening and reciprocral exchange with other academic units in the University, specially in the area of social sciences. Said cycles are as follows:

Basic Year

It consists of courses offered to all of the students from the School of Social Sciences, during the first two semesters, enabling them to acquire, since the beginning, a broad vision about diverse topics and disciplines. During this period, Department students take three courses from the Anthropology curricular program.

Uniandes Basic Cycle Area -CBU

It consists of six elective courses distributed in two modalities A and B, within a broad range of courses offered by the different University programs. Contributes to the acquisition of broader skills in diverse areas of the student´s career. It is intended that with the counselor´s help, the student takes courses in the areas of Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences and Science and Technology.

Area of methodological education

It consists of courses which familiarize students with the research field and offers them basic methodology tools. The area´s last course is the monograph design and practice methodology.

Area of professional education

It consists of a sequence of courses that seek to give students a solid discipline structure. Theoretic orientation courses are combined with empirical orientation courses. This area constitutes the nucleus of undergraduate education in anthropology.

Area of electives

These are courses offered by distinct Faculty professors from the Department and other areas of knowledge, which enable students to choose different topics of their interest among the total University´s offer, in the Anthropology field as well as from other disciplines.

It also includes the possibility to carry out professional internships in external institutions. Likewise, it offers the option of guided works with career professors, in research projects that are in charge of the Faculty.

Area of seminars

Seminars constitute study opportunities about advanced topics during the career. They are taught by Faculty members, who follow the Department´s general research guidelines. Seminars have pre-requisites and they focus on the last semesters of the career.

Graduation modality

During the final stage of the career, students have the option to choose between three graduation alternatives, besides the option of the Coterminal program with the Masters Degree Program: a) a Graduation Monograph, supported and guided by an internal or external professor from the Department, b) a guided Internship in an institution or entity which has an agreement with the University or the Department, and c) develop a guided research work that makes part of a project that is being supervised by a professor of the Anthropology Department.

Research of concentration areas

The department, by means of full-time professors, currently develops research activities in the following topics:

  • Archaeology and bioanthropology
  • Politics, history and culture
  • Anthropology and health
  • Nature, space and territory











Alumni Profile


Alumni from the anthropology program acquire competencies mainly for the critical analysis of social, biological and cultural problems in contemporary and prehistoric societies, for oral and written communication, for intercultural relationships and interpretation of information. These competencies are developed through a flexible Study Plan, that is adapted to local and regional conditions.


  • Data collection of social and cultural processes
  • Cultural understanding from the social group´s own perspective.
  • Description of social groups
  • Management of archaeological methods and techniques on field and laboratory
  • Management of bioanthropological methods and techniques on field and laboratory
  • Social observations: direct and participatory
  • Elaboration of life stories
  • Analysis of linguistic methods
  • Elaboration of in-depth interviews
  • Elaboration of interviews
  • Production of written reports and academic essays
  • Community problem solving
  • Management of research softwares
  • Management of data bases to systematize, combine and submit research results about specific topics
  • Classification and systemazation of qualitative data

Work Fields

Alumni from the Department work at:

  • Public sector
  • Private sector: Entities and non-governmental organizations

In both sectors they work in the following areas:

  • Social policy planning
  • Cultural and environmental management (education, tourism, music)
  • Social programs (education, public health, development, community mediation)
  • Assessment impact of social projects
  • Patrimony and museography
  • Communication media
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Organizational culture
