History Department

The knowledge gained through the study of history enables the understanding of historical and social processes; it gives a meaning to human societies and provides important elements to understand past and present realities. Aware of this important role, the Universidad de los Andes has endeavored to teach history since its origins. The History Department has a long-run tradition, has operated for many years, under various organizational schemes; first as service department within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Important scholars have taught courses there, including Indalecio Liévano Aguirre, Abelardo Forero, Daniel Arango, Gemán Arciniegas, Horacio Rodríguez Plata and Danilo Cruz. In 1984, the History Department was founded, as an independent department within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and in 1996 the History undergraduate program was inaugurated. Currently, the Department offers an undergraduate program and three research programs at graduate level: the Master's Degree in History, the Master's Degree in Geography and the Doctoral Program in History. Similarly, it offers students several academic opportunities and numerous courses for a comprehensive education.

The Department has a widely-diverse Faculty, which allows students to develop their knowledge in an interdisciplinary context, in different areas and from different perspectives, in order to gain a global vision of reality. The faculty is composed of highly qualified professionals, whose teaching and research activities have contributed to the consolidation of the department as one of the most relevant academic bodies in the country. In recognition of its high quality, the history undergraduate program received in 2005 the accreditation by the Ministry of Education, for a period of eight years.