Political Sciences Master’s Degree

Degree Master of Political Sciences
Level Magister
Duration Three (3) semester : Full Time
Number of credits 36
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 1573



The Masters Degree Program is defined as an academic continuation of the undergraduate studies, offering students the possibility to advance both academically and professionally at a higher level than the previous one. In the same way, it offers conditions to obtain other higher study levels.

According to this, the program´s objectives are as follows: 

  • Develop research skills and construction of knowledge. 
  • Provide capacities for professional analysis and performance within the political arena. 
  • Offer applicable education so as to fullfil other higher studies, particularly associated with the Doctoral program.

Study Plan

The Study Plan consists of 9 courses of 4 credits each. Five courses are mandatory and 4 of them are elective, which may be chosen according to student´s particular academic interests. The Masters Degree program is organized around five Political Science areas, among which students will choose one major and one minor (with the exception of the Methodology area, which is mandatory for all.) Said areas are: Theory and Political Philosophy, Colombian Politics, Compared Politics, International Relations and Research Methodology).

Each student must choose two concentration areas, including a mandatory introductory course in each area, two electives in the major area and one elective of the minor area (2 mandatory courses and 3 electives)

All of the courses are given as seminars, in three hour sessions per week. This modality stimulates collective participation and discussion, while giving more insight to the studies.

Theory and political philosophy area

Theory area courses focus on the most recent discussions both in the field of philosophy as well as in political theory.

Philosophy and political theory

This is a course based upon core and classical topics of Political Science, as power, state, democracy and society and it is mandatory.

Political Theory electives

These courses are organized around major topics of contemporary theory. Among them, all of the theories related to rational action, neo-institutional analysis and political economy will be reviewed as well as those that represent cultural, hermeneutic, and post-modern inspirational positions. The course offering is elective within the graduate programs of the Department of Political Science.

Colombian politics area

Area courses will analyze different aspects of political reality in Colombia: Political system and institutions, government political action, security policy and armed conflict.

The seminars can be chosen among the offerings of graduate courses from the Political Science Department and other graduate programs at the University. The Graduate Program´s Committee will review and authorize available courses offered by the University.

Methodology and research area

The area´s objective seeks to develop research and completion of the graduation project. The methodology area is mandatory.

Research methods in Political Science

Examines valid approaches of social science methodologies and teaches how to create a research design. Additionally, throughout the course, there will be an elaboration of the proposal that will lead to the graduation project.

Graduation Project

Students in this course must complete their graduation project, with the support of the corresponding academic director. The previous course is a pre-requisite.

International politics area

The area examines historical construction of international relations and ways in which theoretical knowledge of international matters has been conditioned to favor interpretations of central countries. In the same way, questions arise about the existence of counter or non-hegemonic perspectives, geographical conditions, cultural and historical policies, that have lead to its creation and the conceptual tools that might contribute to the study of global reality.

Area of Compared politics

Intends to familiarize students with the comparative method which seeks to explain political and social phenomena on the basis of differences and similarities between cases of distinct regions and world countries. In recent decades, compared politics has favored the search for explanations of the variation between cases, for example, in terms of regimes, political choices, social and economical results and the interaction between these three variables. It also studies the differences between social actors in terms of efficiency, organizational capacity and political impact.

Research or concentration areas

Model Program

First Semester

CPOL-4201Analisis Politico Colombiano


CPOL-4401Political Philosophy and Theory


CPOL-4107Teoria de las Relaciones Internacionales


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

CPOL-4101Research Methods on Political Science


CPOL-4302Theory and Practice of Institutional Design


CPOL-4403Models of Deliberative Democracy – Political Theory II


Total Credit Hours:12

Third Semester

CPOL-4150Sociologia del Narcotrafico


CPOL-4103Trabajo de Grado


CPOL-4236CPOL 4236


Total Credit Hours:12





Alumni Profile

The Masters Degree Program in Political Science provides an education as political analysts, trained to hold positions in sectors such as government, private sector companies, media, international organizations, foundations and NGOs. The program also provides a rigorous academic basis for those students who want to qualify for research.
