Cultural Studies Master’s Degree

Degree Master of Cultural Studies
Level Magister
Duration Three (3) semesters
Number of credits 36
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 53014



  • Educating researchers in different areas of cultural studies
  • Creating a venue for critical analysis on relevant issues in the national and international sphere.

Study Plan

The Master's degree curriculum combines academic work (seminars and courses) with tutored work in the preparation of individual research. Professors are available for individual counseling. The program is designed in three semesters. Each semester consists of three courses and each course accounts for 4 credits.

Description of the courses:

Technical seminars

Paradigms of cultural studies

The purpose of this course is to learn and understand the paradigms through which to study the "culturalization of power relations," as the main axis of our program. The course analyzes social processes through which power relations are formed and emerge culturally.

Theories of subjectivity

This course studies the theories of the construction of the subject. Special emphasis is made on the processes of differentiation of the different types of subjectivity and their multiple positions. It examines the dynamics leading to the production of identities and the dynamics that regulate, standardize, and establish a hierarchy for these identities.

Latin America and cultural studies

The objective of this course is to study the different visions and versions that constitute the field of Cultural Studies in Latin America. Special emphasis is made on the need to rethink the notion of “Latin America” based on the paradigms of Cultural Studies.

Policies of representation

The focus of this course is to examine the role of power in the production, circulation and consumption of cultural representations and in the reproduction of different social and political orders.

Methodological Seminars

Research Seminar I

The objective of this seminar is to provide a venue for students to review the different methodological possibilities available in the field of Cultural Studies. The seminar aims at reviewing the epistemological and operational fundamentals of certain methodologies (qualitative and quantitative) that are relevant in social science. Special emphasis will be made on the methodologies of discourse analysis and how they relate to other methodologies of social analysis. Similarly, the seminar will provide a venue for students to start defining their research topic, problem and method for their Master's thesis.

Research Seminar II

The purpose of this tutorial seminar is to provide a venue for students to start developing their master's thesis. Students receive constant feedback from their tutors, who supervise the students' work.

Research Seminar III

The goal of this tutorial seminar is to supervise the writing of the master's thesis through its completion. Students receive constant feedback from their tutors, who supervise the students' work.

Elective courses

Students can take seminars in other master's degrees in the school of Social Science.

Research or Concentration Areas

  • Policies of representation: it researches articulation and distribution of social identities, both resistant and dominant.
  • Socio-political discourse analysis: It discusses contemporary discourses that strive to articulate various social elements in significant social narratives.
  • Language, culture and power: It studies the mutual dynamics between social power relations, use of language and the structure of culture.
  • Sexuality and gender: It discusses processes of naturalization and resistance of identities and normative and binary identifications of gender and sexuality

Model Program

First Semester

MECU-4101Paradigmas de los Estudios Culturales


MECU-4102Teorías de la Subjetividad


MECU-4201Seminario de Investigación


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

MECU-4104América Latina y los Estudios Culturales


MECU-4107Perspectivas Metodológicas en Ciencias Sociales


MECU-4202Tutoria de Investigacion I


Total Credit Hours:12

Third Semester

MECU-4105Políticas de la Representación


MECU-4203Tutoria de Investigación II


Total Credit Hours:12

Model Program

First Semester

MECU-4101Paradigmas de los Estudios Culturales


MECU-4102Teorías de la Subjetividad


MECU-4201Seminario de Investigación


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

MECU-4104América Latina y los Estudios Culturales


MECU-4107Perspectivas Metodológicas en Ciencias Sociales


MECU-4202Tutoria de Investigacion I


Total Credit Hours:12

Third Semester

MECU-4105Políticas de la Representación


MECU-4203Tutoria de Investigación II


Total Credit Hours:12

Alumni Profile

Alumnus of the Master's Degree will be able to work in different activities and contexts: research, teaching, cultural production and human management. The curriculum provides an academic basis for people who wish to opt for research or more advanced degrees.
