Clinical and Health Psychology Master’s Degree

Degree Master of Clinic and Health Psychology
Level Magister
Duration Four (4) semesters
Dedication Full Time
Number of credits 60
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 53940



  • Educating clinical and health psychologists who show high standards of professional performance and applied research, and who can perform their professional activities independently (e.g. private practice), in public or private organizations, or consulting activities in their area.
  • Educating clinical and health psychologists who meet the needs of the area, taking into account the characteristics of their users and abide by strict ethical, and personal, professional and social principles.
  • Developing competences in the devising and implementation of applied research projects in clinical and health psychology that generate knowledge in the area of psychopathology and the development of intervention protocols.
  • Providing the necessary foundations for graduates of the Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology to continue their doctoral studies in their areas.

Study Plan

The curriculum is conceived to be developed in four academic semesters, with an additional practice period in an inter-semester term. The curriculum comprises 60 credits, distributed in three areas:

  • Clinical Area (44 credits)
  • Elective Area (8 credits)
  • Methodological-research Area (8 credits)

Research or Focus Areas

  • Psychopathology
  • Evaluation of intervention protocols
  • Evaluation of psychometric properties of clinical instruments.

Model Program

First Semester

PSCL-4100Psicología Clínica I


PSCL-4104Taller de Habilidades Clínicas


PSIC-4218Seminario Electivo I


Total Credit Hours:14

Second Semester

PSCL-4101Psicología Clínica II


PSCL-4105Práctica Clínica Supervisada I


PSCL-4109Revista de Casos Clínicos I


PSIC-4801Metodos de Investigacion Clinica


Total Credit Hours:14

Third Semester

PSCL-4102Psicología Clínica IIi


PSCL-4106Práctica Clínica Superv. II


PSCL-4110Revista de Casos Clínicos II


PSIC-4219Seminario Electivo II


Total Credit Hours:14


PSCL-4107Práctica Clínica Supervisada. III


PSCL-4111Revista de Casos Clínicos III


Total Credit Hours:6

Fourth Semester

PSCL-4103Psicología Clínica IV


PSCL-4108Práctica Clínica Superv. Iv


PSCL-4112Revista de Casos Clínicos Iv


PSCL-4400Investigación Dirigida


Total Credit Hours:14

After being admitted to the program, all students of the master's degree of Universidad de los Andes must take a diagnostic evaluation test administered by the Department of Languages and Socio-Cultural Studies. This test measures the level of reading in English skills of students and classifies them into three categories:

  • Sufficient level of reading in English
  • Those who need to take the Reading Workshop II offered by the Department of Languages and Socio-Cultural Studies to obtain the sufficient level of reading in English.
  • Those who need to the take the Reading Workshop I offered by the Department of Languages and Socio-Cultural Studies to obtain the sufficient level of reading in English.

As alternative options to the diagnostic evaluation test, students can demonstrate sufficient reading in English skills as follows:

  1. Having graduated from an undergraduate program in Universidad de los Andes, within five years before entering the graduate course.
  2. Taking the currently valid TOEFL (two-year validity) and obtaining a score of 213/300 or 80/120, upon entering the graduate course.
  3. Taking the currently valid IELTS (two-year validity) and obtaining a score of 6.5, upon entering the graduate course.
  4. Presenting a university diploma (undergraduate, master's or doctorate) from an English-speaking country.

Alumni Profile

Graduates of the Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology will have the competences to work as:

  • Professional/researcher, working independently or in collaboration with other professionals in consulting clinical individual, couples or group cases, in clinical evaluation and intervention.
  • Professional/researcher in public or private institutions that provide psychological or health services, in clinics or hospitals, in consulting clinical individual, couples or group cases, in the devising and implementation or intervention programs, as well as in clinical evaluation and intervention.
  • As consultants or advisers in public or private institutions in the development of prevention or intervention programs that cover major segments of the population in the field of clinical and health psychology.
  • As clinical supervisor of other professional trainees in the field of mental health, in formal higher education institutions or independent practice, or in university hospitals or other centers of professional education.
  • As supervisor of mediators (parents, teachers, nurses, etc.) or professionals of other areas who develop research, evaluation or intervention activities in the clinical field.
