Psychology Master’s Degree

Degree Master of Psychology
Level Magister
Duration Four (4) semesters (not including levelling period) )
Dedication Full Time
Number of credits 40
Class Schedule Day
Modality On-Campus Learning
SNIES Code 11273



The Master's degree in Psychology allow students to:

  • Become familiarized with the diverse forms of research in psychology, so they can develop a novel research project that generates knowledge from the theoretical or methodological viewpoint,
  • Develop a specific academic topic, with a global vision of the contribution of psychology to the explanation, prediction and modification of relevan psycho-social phenomena,
  • Develop the ability to design, execute and evaluate research projects in issues related to the lines of research in the psycho-social field,
  • Develop skills to plan, execute and evaluate projects and group intervention programs.

Study Plan

The Master's degree in Psychology of Universidad de los Andes is comprised of 40 credits distributed in four areas:

  • Methodological courses (8 credits in total, 4 credits each course)
  • Fundamental courses (8 credits in total, 4 credits each course)
  • Elective seminars (8 credits, 4 credits each course)
  • Research design and colloquium (8 credits, 4 credits each)

The Master's degree and the doctoral program of the Department have a common curricular structure. Both programs share the same academic areas (with the exception of the external internship), although they differ in the number of credits required in each of the areas. Thus, students can opt for entering the Master's degree and then continue with the doctoral program (completing the rest of the required credits).

Research or Focus Areas

The following are the areas where master's dissertations can be developed, and that are offered in focus seminars:

  • Aggression, conflicts and education for co-existence
  • Cognition, practices and learning
  • Moral development
  • Stress and health
  • Family and sexuality
  • Neuroscience and behavior
  • Critical social psychology
  • Studies in behavioral science
  • Affective relations throughout life

Model Program

First Semester

PSIC-4216Seminario Fundamental I


PSIC-4100Diseño de Proyectos de Investigacion I


PSIC-4104Métodos cuantitativos avanzados


Total Credit Hours:12

Second Semester

PSIC-4105Métodos Cualitativos Avanzados


PSIC-4200Seminario de Evaluación de Proyectos y Programas


PSIC-4106Diseño Proyecto de Investigacion II y Coloquio I


Total Credit Hours:12

Third Semester

PSIC-4218Seminario Electivo I


PSIC-4107Diseño Proyecto de Investigacion IIi y Coloquio II


Total Credit Hours:8

Fourth Semester

PSIC-4219Seminario Electivo II


PSIC-4108Diseño Proyecto de Investigacion Iv y Coloquio IIi


Total Credit Hours:8
  1. Sufficient level of reading in English
  2. Those who need to take the Reading Workshop II offered by the Department of Languages and Socio-Cultural Studies to obtain the sufficient level of reading in English.
  3. Those who need to the take the Reading Workshop I offered by the Department of Languages and Socio-Cultural Studies to obtain the sufficient level of reading in English.
  1. Having graduated from an undergraduate program in Universidad de los Andes, within five years before entering the graduate course.
  2. Taking the currently valid TOEFL (two-year validity) and obtaining a score of 213/300 or 80/120, upon entering the graduate course.
  3. Taking the currently valid IELTS (two-year validity) and obtaining a score of 6.5, upon entering the graduate course.
  4. Presenting a university diploma (undergraduate, master's or doctorate) from an English-speaking country.

After being admitted to the program, all students of the master's degree of Universidad de los Andes must take a diagnostic evaluation test administered by the Department of Languages and Socio-Cultural Studies. This test measures the level of reading in English skills of students and classifies them into three categories:

  1. Sufficient level of reading in English

  2. Those who need to take the Reading Workshop II offered by the Department of Languages and Socio-Cultural Studies to obtain the sufficient level of reading in English.

  3. Those who need to the take the Reading Workshop I offered by the Department of Languages and Socio-Cultural Studies to obtain the sufficient level of reading in English.  

As alternative options to the diagnostic evaluation test, students can demonstrate sufficient reading in English skills as follows:

  1. Having graduated from an undergraduate program in Universidad de los Andes, within five years before entering the graduate course.

  2. Taking the currently valid TOEFL (two-year validity) and obtaining a score of 213/300 or 80/120, upon entering the graduate course.

  3. Taking the currently valid IELTS (two-year validity) and obtaining a score of 6.5, upon entering the graduate course.

  4. Presenting a university diploma (undergraduate, master's or doctorate) from an English-speaking country.

Alumni Profile

Graduates of the Master's degree in Psychology can pursue careers in professional areas that require preparation and management of research or intervention projects pertaining to psycho-social phenomena, in public and private sector organizations. Similarly, graduates will be able to hold academic posts and undertake doctoral studies in their area of specialization.
