EGOB 3013 Desarrollo Internacional

To see development as a historically produced discourse entails an examination of why so many countries started to see themselves as underdeveloped in the early post-World War II period, how ‘to develop’ became a fundamental problem for them, and how, finally, they embarked upon the task of ‘un-underdeveloping’ themselves by subjecting their societies to increasingly systematic, detailed, and comprehensive interventions…” (Escobar 1995: 6).
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the foundations of international development, including both traditional schools of thought in international relations and development studies and drawing from critical perspectives of (under)development that have emerged in multiple disciplines in the social sciences. This course is a journey of daily transitions between theory and practice, the field and the classroom, and the ‘First’ World and the ‘Third’ World during which we will understand and problematize the development apparatus on a global scale and will explore the multiple dimensions of international development including gender, globalization, foreign aid and the financial and institutional infrastructure of development.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
