CBCA1325 Mujeres en la Música

This course will explore numerous issues concerning women in music.

The music field has historically been dominated by men, which does not mean that women have not played an important role in music throughout history.

One of the important tasks to vindicate the role of women in music is to have a record of the musical work of women of the past. Telling their stories and circumstances will help prevent contemporary composers, pedagogues, performers and academics from falling into oblivion.

In this class we will explore the reasons why women have been excluded from Western music history, we will delve into the stories and music of some female composers, performers, and feminist works; as well as examining art and popular traditions, considering the roles women have played as creators, performers, and consumers of music.

More than approaching music from a theoretical point of view, this course will deal with the exclusion of a section of society (in this case women) in the Western cultural tradition, using music as a way to understand the much bigger issue of gender roles and censorship.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
