LENG2115 Ingles 5 - Lenguas y Cultura

This is the fifth course of the Ingles Carrera program and takes a holistic, integrated skills approach to the learning of English for Academic Purposes. Students will receive input and practice on the four primary skills of the language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will also work on grammar, or language use, which the students are expected to use properly for class assignments, projects, and exams. The course will apply a student-centered task-assisted approach, allowing for the opportunity for students to negotiate for meaning through meaningful activities and authentic language experiences both inside and outside the classroom. The course also encourages students to participate in technology-based activities whose main objective is to promote autonomy and self-monitoring, and which are a crucial component of classwork, homework, and task-based formative and/or summative assessment.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
