LENG3042 Reading 2
After successfully completing this course, students can adapt style and speed of reading to different texts and purposes. They can talk about their analysis of texts and use APA style to accurately cite both fiction and nonfiction works. Students can write a synthesis to compare text features in diverse genres and relate observations to text purpose and context.
Reading 2 is the fourth skills-focused course in the English for the Undergraduate Program in Languages and Culture (EPLC). This is a 16-week course consisting of two 75-minute classes and approximately two-three hours of independent work each week. Reading 2 uses a variety of genres to develop and strengthen students’ reading comprehension skills and strategies across genres. The course integrates the skills of critical thinking, speaking, writing, and listening to allow students to more deeply interact with the texts. All tasks will encourage students to reflect on and respond to texts verbally or in writing. Some of the tasks that students will undertake are discussions, debates, forum participation, written responses, and collecting and sharing visual, audio and text-based sources that support and extend their understanding of the assigned texts. Finally, students will engage in developing their reading speed and comprehension throughout this course.
This course is divided into three modules: 1) academic texts, 2) non-fiction and 3) literature. Assessments will take the form of tasks that emulate how students must read and engage with texts in their personal, academic, and professional lives
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